PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

What follows are the subclasses from one class of the Manual of Classification for US patents. As you scroll through the list and encounter a class/subclass of interest, you can jump back to the top and retrieve patent titles by entering the class/subclass in the box below.

Enter a class/subclass code here to get a list of patent titles. Use any of the following forms:
363-131 121-55A 14-.5
that is, no embedded spaces, class and subclass seperated by a dash, and any subclass letters capitalized. Currently Design Patent titles (those in the classes of the form Dxx.yy) are not retreivable.

Enter class/subclass code:

Class Number: 23

Subclass  Subclass
Number    Title

  294 R   .Sublimation
  294 S   ..Sulfur
  295 R   .Crystallization
  296     ..Selective
  297     ...With extraction
  298     ...From natural sources
  299     ..With extraction
  300     ..With added material
  301     ...Seed
  302 R   ..Alkali metal and ammonium compounds
  303     ...Common salt
  302 A   ...Ammonium compounds
  302 T   ...Sodium compounds
  304     ..Alkaline earth metal and magnesium compounds
  305 R   ..Heavy metal or aluminum compounds
  305 A   ...Aluminum compounds
  305 F   ...Iron compounds
  305 RE  ...Rare earth compounds
  295 G   ..Gel
  295 S   ..Solar
  306     .Concentration of liquids in liquids
  307     ..With direct heating
  308 R   .Melting out
  308 S   ..Sulfur
  313 R   .Agglomerating
  314     ..Carbon
  313 AS  ..Silicate
  313 FB  ..Fluidized bed
  313 P   ..Pan agglomeration
  293 S   .Sulfur
  293 A   .Flaking, spraying