PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

PTO Manual of Classification for US patents

What follows are the subclasses from one class of the Manual of Classification for US patents. As you scroll through the list and encounter a class/subclass of interest, you can jump back to the top and retrieve patent titles by entering the class/subclass in the box below.

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363-131 121-55A 14-.5
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Class Number: 84
 Class Title: MUSIC

Subclass  Subclass
Number    Title

  601     ..Data storage
  602     ...Digital memory circuit (e.g., RAM, ROM, etc.)
  603     ....Sampling (e.g., with A/D conversion)
  604     ....Waveform memory
  605     .....Read out at different rates
  606     .....Read out at fixed rate
  607     .....Recursive algorithm
  608     ....Fourier coefficient memory
  609     ....Note sequence
  610     .....Accompaniment
  611     ......Rhythm
  612     .......Tempo control
  613     ......Chords
  614     ......Reiteration
  615     ....Selecting circuits
  616     .....Fundamental tone detection or extraction
  617     .....Multiplexing or scanning
  618     .....Priority or preference circuits
  619     .....Transposition
  620     .....Stops
  621     ....Noise reduction (e.g., error prevention)
  622     ....Tone synthesis or timbre control
  623     .....Time varying or dynamic fourier components
  624     .....Modulation
  625     .....Mixing
  626     ....Expression or special effects (e.g., force or velocity
               responsive, etc.)
  627     .....Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, decay, sustain, or
  628     .....Portamento or glissando
  629     .....Vibrato or tremolo
  630     .....Reverberation
  631     .....Chorus, ensemble, or celeste
  632     .....Chiff or percussive transients
  633     .....Loudness control
  634     ....Accompaniment
  635     .....Rhythm
  636     ......Tempo control
  637     .....Chords
  638     .....Arpeggio
  639     ...Photoelectric
  640     ....Variable speed
  641     ...Magnetic
  642     ....Tape
  643     ...Capacitive
  644     ...Constructional details
  645     ...MIDI (musical instrument digital interface)
  646     ..Fret control
  647     ..Digital combinational circuit
  648     ...With frequency multiplication or divisionn
  649     ...Note sequence
  650     ....Accompaniment (e.g., chords, etc.)
  651     .....Rhythm
  652     ......Tempo control
  653     ...Selecting circuits
  654     ....Fundamental tone detection or extraction
  655     ....Multiplexing or scanning
  656     ....Priority or preference circuits
  657     ....Transposition
  658     ....Force or velcoity responsive
  659     ...Tone synthesis or timbre control
  660     ....Mixing
  661     ....Filtering
  662     ...Expression or special effects
  663     ....Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, decay, sustain, or release)
  664     ....Chorus, ensemble, or celeste
  665     ....Loudness control
  666     ...Accompaniment
  667     ....Rhythm
  668     .....Tempo control
  669     ....Chords
  670     ...Constructional details
  671     ..Electric analog oscillators
  672     ...Variable frequency
  673     ....With Variable filtering
  674     ....With space discharging means
  675     ...With frequency multiplication or division
  676     ....With transistor
  677     ....With space discharging means
  678     ...Selecting circuits
  679     ....With transistor
  680     ....With space discharging means
  681     ....Fundamental tone detection or extraction
  682     ....Multiplexing or scanning
  683     ....Noise reduction (e.g., error prevention)
  684     ....Priority or preference circuits
  685     ....Transposition
  686     ....Stops
  687     ....Force or velocity responsive
  688     .....With magnetic selector
  689     .....With capacitive selector
  690     .....With variable resistance selector
  691     ...Noise reduction (e.g., error prevention)
  692     ...Tone synthesis or timbre control
  693     ....Time varying or dynamic fourier components
  694     ....Modulation
  695     .....Amplitude
  696     .....Angle (i.e., frequency or phase)
  697     ....Mixing
  698     .....Partials (i.e., harmonics)
  699     ....Filtering
  700     .....Variable
  701     ...Expression or special effects
  702     ....Envelope shaping (e.g., attack, decay, sustain, or release)
  703     .....Attack and decay
  704     ....Portamento or glissando
  705     ....Tremolo
  706     ....Vibratoo
  707     ....Reverberation
  708     ....Chorus, ensemble, or celeste
  709     ....Trill
  710     ....Chiff or percussive transients
  711     ....Loudness control
  712     ...Accompaniment
  713     ....Rhythm
  714     .....Tempo control
  715     ....Chords
  716     ....Arpeggio
  717     ....Reiteration
  718     ...Constructional details
  719     ....Keyboard
  720     ....Keyswitch structure
  721     ....Foot control
  722     ...Fret control
  723     ..Transducers
  724     ...Photoelectric
  725     ...Electromagnetic
  726     ....String
  727     .....With adjustable means
  728     .....Noise reduction (e.g., error prevention)
  729     ....Reed
  730     ...Piezoelectric
  731     ....String
  732     ....Reed
  733     ...Capacitive
  734     ...Strain gauge
  735     ...Tone synthesis or timbre control
  736     ....Filtering
  737     ...Expression or special effects
  738     ....Envelope shaping (e.g., attack, decay, sustain, or release,
  739     ....Tremolo
  740     ....Vibrato
  741     ....Loudness control
  742     ...Selecting circuits
  743     ...Constructional details
  744     ....Keyboard
  745     ....Keyswitch structure
  746     ....Foot control
  2       ..Combined
  3       ..Electric
  4       ...With phonograph
  5       ....Electrical connections
  6       ...Pneumatic
  7       ..Stringed
  8       ...With picking devices
  9       ....Electric
  10      ...With bowing devices
  11      ....Electric
  12      ...With striking devices
  13      ...Pianos
  14      ....Without keys
  15      .....Half width
  16      ....Constant power
  17      .....Electric controll
  18      ......Key actuators
  19      ....Electric power
  20      .....Key actuators
  21      ......With expression
  22      .......By voltage change
  23      .....With expression
  24      ....Pneumatic type
  25      .....Key actuators
  26      .....Grands
  27      ......Connections to piano action
  28      .....Action above keyboard
  29      .....Action below keyboard
  30      .....Location of parts
  31      .....With double tracker
  32      ......Double length
  33      .....Expression mechanism
  34      ......Parts of piano moved
  35      .......Rest rail shifted
  36      ........Normally in short stroke position
  37      ........Position controlled from reservoir
  38      ........Graduated shift
  39      ......Wind pressure varied
  40      .......By pumping
  41      .......By throttling
  42      .......By regulating chamber
  43      .......By use of two pressures
  44      ......Two cooperating pneumatics to each note
  45      ......Two opposing pneumatics to each note
  46      ......Transmission varied
  47      ......Systematic variations
  48      ......Pneumatic details
  49      ......Hand controllers
  50      .....Pneumatic construction
  51      ......Both primaries and secondaries
  52      .......Lower leaf moved
  53      ......Lower leaf moved
  54      ......Striker pneumatics in wind chest
  55      ......Units
  56      .......Metal
  57      ......Tubes and junctions
  58      ......Bleeds
  59      .......With valve
  60      ......Valves and seats
  61      .......Inside
  62      .......Outside
  63      ........Adjustable
  64      ......Screening and cleaning
  65      .....Power pneumatics
  66      ......Connections to hammers
  67      .......To key
  68      .......To abstract
  69      .......To wippen
  70      .....Wind-supply devices
  71      ......In grands
  72      ......Pedals
  73      .......Folding
  74      .......With keylock
  75      .......With doorss
  76      ........Operating together
  77      .........Door-carried pedal
  78      .........Upper panel moved
  79      ......Distribution
  80      .....Key slips
  81      .....Upper panel
  82      .....Lower panel
  83      ..Wind
  84      ...Organs
  85      ....Stop actions
  86      ....Cylinder
  87      ....Disk
  88      ....Electropneumatic action
  89      ....Pneumatic action
  90      .....With keys
  91      .....Pipe organ
  92      ...Organettes
  93      ...Mouth blown
  94.1    ..Combs
  94.2    ...Combined
  95.1    ...Cylinder type
  95.2    ....Combined
  96      ....Cylinder construction
  97      ...Disk type
  98      ....With star wheels
  99      ....Multiple disks
  100     ....With phonograph spindle
  101     ...Note-sheet type
  102     ..Bars
  103     ..Bells
  104     ..Drums
  105     ..Outside players
  106     ...Cylinder or disk
  107     ...Electric or electropneumatic
  108     ...Cabinet type
  109     ....Case connectors
  110     ....Pneumatic
  111     ...Striker details
  112     ...Constant power
  113     ....Electric control
  114     ....Pneumatic control
  115     ..Selectors
  116     ...Tracker-box location
  117     ...Mechanical fingers
  118     ...Plurality of sheets
  119     ....Synchronized
  120     ....Single tracker
  121     ...Sheet not rolled
  122     ...Winding and rewinding
  123     ....With electric features
  124     ....For two types of rolls
  125     ....Shifting gear and clutch
  126     ....Two clutches
  127     ....Gears
  128     ....Speed control
  129     .....Roller and disk or cone
  130     .....By wind supplyy
  131     .....Compensation for diameter
  132     ....Feeding
  133     ....Rewinding
  134     ....Brakes
  135     ....Sheet pressers
  136     ....Registration
  137     .....Movable detector at edge
  138     ......Controlling shifter bellows
  139     .......Single detector
  140     ....Extra end holes
  141     .....Single end hole
  142     ....Extra center holes
  143     ....Flange shifted
  144     ....Hand operated
  145     ....Transposition only
  146     ...Trackers and sheets
  147     ....Electric
  148     ....For organs
  149     ....Vertical
  150     ....Playing on wind and rewind
  151     ...Trackers
  152     ....Double scale
  153     .....Trackers rigidly connected
  154     ......Pivotally mounted
  155     ......With slide valves
  156     ....Duct closers
  157     ....Modified for expression
  158     ....Metal
  159     ....Extensible
  160     ....Pneumato-electric
  161     ...Note sheets
  162     ....Ends and joints
  163     ....Overlapping holes
  164     ....With expression and tempo marks
  165     ....With marks for voice
  166     ....With projections
  167     ..Key locks
  168     ..Couplers
  169     ..Indicators
  170     .Combined
  171     ..Electric
  172     ..Piano and organ
  173     .Stringed
  174     ..Pianos
  175     ...Duplex
  176     ...Separable
  177     ...Cases
  178     ....Fall boards and desks
  179     ....Fall boards
  180     ....Music desks or racks
  181     ....Music receptacles
  182     ....Swells
  183     ....Protectors
  184     ...Frames, string plate and sounding boards
  185     ...Frames and string plates
  186.1   ...Frames
  186.2   ....Wrest planks
  187     ...String plates and sounding boardss
  188     ...String plates
  189     ...Resonance devices
  190     ....Supports or platforms
  191     ....Insulators
  192     ....Sounding boards
  193     .....Materials
  194     .....Multiple
  195     .....Ribbing
  196     .....Crowning devices
  197     ...Stringing
  198     ....Auxiliary strings
  199     ...Strings
  200     ...Tuning devices
  201     ....Simple pin
  202     ....Locking devices
  203     .....Involving two pins
  204     ....Worm gear
  205     ....Direct pull
  206     ....With push piece
  207     ....With lever
  208     ....Transverse pressure
  209     ...Bridges
  210     ....Inverted
  211     ....Agraffes
  212     ....On sounding board
  213     .....With string holders
  214     ....String clamps or holders
  215     ....Depressing bars
  216     ...Expression devices
  217     ....Dampers lifted
  218     ....Dampers held
  219     ....Pianissimo devices
  220     .....Curtain type
  221     .....Hammer stroke shortened
  222     ......Lost-motion preventers
  223     .......In grand actions
  224     ....Auxiliary strikers
  225     ....Pedal mechanism
  226     .....Locks
  227     .....Spring fulcrum
  228     .....Bearings
  229     .....Pedals
  230     ......Auxiliary
  231     .......Pedal carried
  232     .......With footrest
  233     .....Mouse guards
  234     ...Harmonic dampers
  235     ...Couplers
  236     ...Hammers actions
  237     ....Horizontal
  238     .....Down striking
  239     .....Grand
  240     ....Upright
  241     .....Jack serving as retractor
  242     .....Standard type
  243     ....Details
  244     .....Power-operated hammers
  245     ......Sostenutoo
  246     ......Electric striker
  247     .....Jack constantly controlled
  248     .....Inverted jack
  249     .....Jointed jack
  250     .....Action frames
  251     .....Flanges and joints
  252     ......Continuous
  253     .....Checks
  254     .....Hammer heads
  255     .....Damper heads and stems
  256     ...Bowed or violin pianos
  257     ....With belt bow
  258     ...Plectrum
  263     ..Combined
  264     ..Harps
  265     ...Bodies
  266     ...Erard action
  267     ..Guitars
  268     ..Mandolins
  269     ..Banjos
  270     ...Resonance devices
  271     ....Closed back
  272     ....Two rings
  273     ....Mutes
  274     ..Violins
  275     ...Bodies
  276     ....Bass bars
  277     ....Sound posts
  278     ...Combined chin rest and support
  279     ...Chin rests
  280     ...Supports
  281     ...Positioning devices
  282     ...Bows
  283     ...Bow guides
  284     ..Dulcimers
  285     ..Zithers
  286     ...Chord selectors
  287     ....Damper-bar type
  288     .....Dampers independent
  289     ....Guard-plate type
  290     ..Details
  291     ...Bodies
  292     ....Metal
  293     ...Necks
  294     ...Resonance devices
  295     ....Auxiliary strings
  296     ....With diaphragm
  297 R   ...Strings and fastenings
  298     ....Guitar bridges
  299     ....Guitar bridges with tailpieces
  300     ....Banjo tailpieces
  301     ....Mandolin tailpieces
  302     ....Violin tailpieces
  303     ....Spools
  304     ....Tuning pegs
  305     .....Friction increasers
  306     ....Worm gear
  297 S   ....Stringss
  307     ...Bridges
  308     ....Banjo
  309     ....Violin
  310     ....Violin mutes
  311     .....Attached
  312 R   ...Tunings
  312 P   ....Pedal operated steel guitars
  313     ...Tremolo devices
  314 R   ...Finger boards and frets
  314 N   ....Nuts
  315     ...Fingering devices
  316     ....For semitone
  317     ....For chords
  318     .....Capo tastos
  319     ....Stopping fingers or blocks
  320     ...Picking devices
  321     ....Picks on reciprocating carriage
  322     ....Hand or finger picks
  323     ...Hammer mechanism
  324     ....Spring-shank hammer
  325     ...Bowing mechanism
  326     ....With keyboard
  327     ...Instrument supports
  328     ...Arm, hand, or finger rests
  329     ...Article holders
  330     .Wind
  331     ..Pipe organs
  332     ...Actions
  333     ....Stop chambers
  334     ....Single chamber
  335     ....Pneumatic details
  336     .....Membrane valve
  337     ....Electric
  338     ....Electropneumatic
  339     .....Details
  340     .....Pneumatic
  341     .....Electric
  342     ....Key valves
  343     ....Stop actions
  344     .....Combination
  345     ......Adjustable
  346     ...Swells
  347     ....Electropneumatic
  348     ...Valve tremolos
  349     ...Pipes
  350     ....Reed
  351     ..Reed organs
  352     ...Cases
  353     ....Pedals
  354     ...Folding
  355     ...Wind-supply devices
  356     ....Pressure and exhaust
  357     ....Pedals
  358     .....Auxiliary
  359     ....Distribution
  360     ...Reed boards
  361     ....With qualifying tubess
  362     ....With resonance chamber
  363     ...Reeds
  364     ....With tuning means
  365     ...Key actions
  366     ....Pedal
  367     ....Pneumatic
  368     ....Pallets
  369     ...Stop actions
  370     ....Combination
  371     ....Celeste
  372     ...Swells
  373     ...Couplers
  374     ...Fan tremolos
  375     ..Minor reed
  376 R   ...Accordions
  376 A   ....Attachments, supports and locks
  376 EA  ....Electronically amplified
  376 K   ....Keys and keyboards
  376 SM  ....Shift mechanisms
  377     ...Harmonicas
  378     ....With resonance chambers
  379     ....Supports
  380 R   ..Wood winds
  381     ...Duplex
  382     ...Clarinets
  383 R   ....Mouthpieces
  383 A   .....Reeds
  384     ...Flutes
  385 R   ...Saxophones
  385 A   ....Woodwind supports
  385 P   ....Pads
  386     ...Pitch-changing devices
  380 A   ...Double reed
  380 B   ...Bagpipes
  380 C   ...Edge tone
  387 R   ..Brasses
  388     ...Valve type
  389     ....With four valves
  390     ....Rotary movement
  391     ....Helical or sliding movement
  392     ....Piston details
  393     ....With substitute tubes
  394     ....Tuning devices
  395     ...Trombones
  396     ....Tuning devices
  397     ...Drainage
  398     ...Mouthpieces
  399     ....Adjustable
  400     ...Mutes
  401     ...Tremolos
  387 A   ...Supports
  402     .Rigid vibrators
  403     ..Bars and supports
  404     ...With strikers
  405     ...With electric action
  406     ..Bells
  407     ...With electric action
  408     ..Tonguess
  409     ..Forks
  410     ..Resonators
  411 R   .Drums
  412     ..Collapsible
  413     ..Cord tighteners
  414     ..Head material
  415     ..Snares
  416     ...Material
  417     ...Inside
  418     ..Tambourines
  419     ..Tympani
  420     ..Toy
  421     ..Supports
  411 A   ..Unitension
  411 M   ..Mutes
  411 P   ..Practice Pads
  422.1   .Drum and cymbal beaters
  422.2   ..Combined
  422.3   ..Hi-hat
  422.4   ..Drumsticks
         .General features
  423 R   ..Keyboards
  424     ...Plurality of manuals
  425     ...Auxiliary
  426     ....Pedal
  427     ...Plurality of touch plates
  428     ....Whole-tone scale
  429     ...Curved front
  430     ...Key bottoms
  431     ....Folding
  432     ...Key frames adjustable
  433     ...Keys
  434     ....Fulcrums and guides
  435     ....Fulcrums
  436     ....Guides
  437     ....Plating
  438     ...Manufacturing processes
  439     ...Touch regulators
  440     ....Resistance
  441     ...Key holders
  423 A   ...Uniform
  423 B   ...Button type
  442     ..Key selectors
  443     ..Chord players
  444     ...Pedal operated
  445     ..Transposers
  446     ...Auxiliary keyboard
  447     ...Keyboard shifted
  448     ...Intermediate parts shifted
  449     ...Sounders shifted
  450     ..Solo attachments
  451     ..Special or enharmonic scales
  452 R   ..Materials
  452 P   ...Plastic material
  454     .Tuning devices
  455     ..Strings
  456     ..Pipes and reedss
  457     ..Forks
  458     ..Tools and machines
  459     ...Tuning hammers
  460     ...Felt pickers
  461     .Recording devices
  462     ..Electric
  463     ..Applying expression lines
  464 R   .Producing color or light effects
  464 A   ..Lights in Instrument
  465     .Exercising devices
  466     ..For singers
  467     ..For pianists
  468     ...Attached to performer
  469     ...Armrest rail
  470 R   .Teaching devices
  471 R   ..Charts or boards
  472     ...Easel type
  473     ...With transposing slide
  474     ...With transposing dial
  475     ...For transcribing
  471 SR  ...Slide rules
  476     ..Blocks
  477 R   ..Indicators
  478     ...For keyboard
  479 R   ....Single position
  480     .....With transposing slide
  481     .....Plurality of cards
  479 A   .....On keyboard
  482     ....Shiftable
  483.1   ...Tune Sheets
  483.2   ....Notation Systems
  484     ...For tempo
  485 R   ...For fingering
  485 SR  ....Slide rules
  477 B   ...Twirling and conducting batons
  470 P   ..Phonograph recorders
  486     .Leaf turners
  487     ..Motor operated
  488     ..Gravity operated
  489     ..Hand and spring operated arms
         ..Spring-operated arms
  490     ...Plurality of latches
  491     ....Fixed latches
  492     ....Plurality of releasers
  493     .....Latches and releasers pivoted
  494     ......Integral
  495     ...Single latch
  496     ....Fixed latch
  497     ....Sliding latch
  498     ....Escapement
  499     .....Air operated
  500     ..Single spring arm
  501     ...Latch and releaser integral
  502     ..Player-operated arms
  503     ...Plurality of actuators
  504     ....Plurality of finger pieces
  505     .....Actuators pivoted
  506     .....Actuators and finger pieces integrall
  507     ....Single finger piece
         ...Single actuator
  508     ....Progressive action
  509     .....Arms and actuator on different axes
  510     ......With segmental gear
  511     ....Sliding actuator
  512     .....With segmental rack
  513     ....Repeating action
  514     .....Arms and actuator on different axes
  515     .....Sliding actuator
  516     ..Single arm
  517     ..Single transfer bar
  518     ...With buckling devices
  519     ...With suction devices
  520     ...Leaves prepared
  521     ....With magnetic disks
  *       ******************************
  *       DIGESTS
  *       ******************************
  DIG 1   Plural speakers
  DIG 2   Preference networks
  DIG 3   Foldable; detachable; collapsible
  DIG 4   Chorus; ensemble; celeste
  DIG 5   Chiff
  DIG 6   Cathode-ray tube
  DIG 7   Electric key switch structure
  DIG 8   Keyed oscillators
  DIG 9   Filtering
  DIG 10  Feedback
  DIG 11  Frequency dividers
  DIG 12  Side; rhythm and percussion devices
  DIG 13  Gas discharge tube
  DIG 14  Harmonicas
  DIG 15  Accordions
  DIG 16  Crescendo
  DIG 17  Cabinets
  DIG 18  Tuning
  DIG 19  Light sensitive resistor
  DIG 20  Monophonic
  DIG 21  Mechanical resonator
  DIG 22  Chord organs
  DIG 23  Electronic gates for tones
  DIG 24  Piezoelectrical transducers
  DIG 25  Pedal clavier
  DIG 26  Reverberation
  DIG 27  Stereo
  DIG 28  Service manuals
  DIG 29  Tape
  DIG 30  Fret control