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Len & Bev's new block of ground

G'day from len and bev, bev is a young 47 year old, and len an aging 55 year old we have 1 of our 2 daughters still living at home with us she is soon to commence a course at TAFE college, to learn software engineering and some hardware engineering. We have a daughter who is married and she has given us 2 great grand children a pigeon pair, 1 is 6 years old the other 2 years old and she has another on the way a second boy we are reliably told.
So with 2 grandsons I won't be as out voted as I used to be lol.
Our plans with our recently purchased block of ground is to try and live affordably as sustainable and as self sufficient as is possible, only time will tell as to how successful we are.
We live in south eastern Queensland in Australia, our new address is situated app' 200 kilometers or 2 hours north of Brisbane, which is the capital of Queensland. we will provide a GPS reading at a later date for those who can to calculate our position.

Details of the land area as follows:

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Left: (1) From the western gate looking north to the front road, the road visible on the left is the road reserve on the western boundary.
Right: (3) From the same position looking nt/east across the land fill area at the front of the block, this is the area that is probably causing discolouration of the dam water. the dam will be featured in future shots.

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Left: (4) Again from the same position looking to east boundary across the dam just visible in middle of shot.
Right: (6) Same position looking sth/east toward creek and wooded area, the tall grass in the right centre of shot is blady grass the cattle seem to avoid grazing on it as it gets pretty tough at maturity, probably better for grazing when shoots are younger, it does however make good fodder when chaffed and mixed with other material. there are patches of it all over the front 1/2 of the block.

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Left: (7) Looking east from the building site the dam is centre left of the shot, the wetland below the dam is in the centre of the pic. The land rises steadily to the western boundary behind the photographer so this should help with the windbreaking for the winter westerlies.
Right: (8) From the home site looking just nth/east over the dam, the dry looking ground in the foreground is where the cattle gather at night as this area is full of manure pads, that is what i presume happens. You will note that there is a wide gully coming from the nrth/west between the dam and the house and beyond the dam and to the right is another wide gully coming from the nrth/east, the contours of the block feature a number of these catchment areas. So will lend it self to many dams if need be.

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Left: (9) Zoomed in shot of the dam view from where the house will be.
Right: (10) Looking south from the home site, the dry looking ground in the foreground is where the cattle rest at night (the cattle aren't and won't be mine). The trees roughly represent the southern boundary. and the line of the creek that beigins on my block, this is outside of my boundary though.

More pictures...

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E-mail us if you have any further questions or comment. Thank you,
Len and Bev

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