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                           TABLE OF CONTENTS 
Paper                                                               Page 
    I  Address before the Governing Board of the Pan American 
       Union, April 12, 1933 .......................................   1 
   II  Message to the nations of the World, May 16, 1933 ...........   3 
  III  Statement on approval of the Neutrality Act of 1935,  
       August 31, 1935 .............................................   7 
   IV  Address on Armistice Day, November 11, 1935 .................   8 
    V  Address at Chautauqua, New York, August 14, 1936  
       (the "I hate war" speech) ...................................  11 
   VI  Address before the Inter-American Conference for the  
       Maintenance of Peace, Buenos Aires, Argentina,  
       December 1, 1936 ............................................  16 
  VII  Address at Chicago, Ill., October 5, 1937  
      (the "quarantine" speech.) ...................................  21 
 VIII  Message to the Congress recommending increased armament 
       for national defense, January 28, 1938 ......................  25 
   IX  Address at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 
       August 18, 1938 .............................................  27 
    X  Message sent direct by the President of the United States to  
       the President of Czechoslovakia and to the Chancellor of the 
       German Reich, and through the Secretary of State to the 
       Prime Ministers of Great Britain and France, morning of 
       September 26, 1938 ..........................................  30 
   XI  Annual Message to the Congress, January 4, 1939 .............  32 
  XII  Letter to the Chancellor of the German Reich,  
       April 14, 1939 ..............................................  40 
 XIII  Address to the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, 
       April 14, 1939 ..............................................  43 
  XIV  Address before a joint session of the Senate and House of  
       Representatives recommending revision of the neutrality law, 
       September 21, 1939 ..........................................  47 
   XV  Address by radio to the Eighth Pan American Scientific  
       Congress, May 10, 1940 ......................................  54 
  XVI  Address before a joint session of the Senate and House of  
       Representatives asking additional appropriations for national 
       defense, May 16, 1940 .......................................  57 
 XVII  Address at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.,  
       June 10, 1940 ...............................................  62 
XVIII  Message to the Congress recommending additional  
       appropriations for national defense, July 10, 1940 ..........  66 
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Paper                                                               Page 
  XIX  Message to the Congress informing them of the exchange of 
       certain over-age destroyers for British naval and air bases 
       September 3, 1940 ...........................................  70 
   XX  Address to the registrants under the selective-service law  
       October 16, 1940 ............................................  71 
  XXI  Fireside Chat on National Security and the Common Cause 
       ("Arsenal of Democracy" speech), December 29, 1940  .........  73 
 XXII  Annual message to the Congress ("Four Freedoms" speech), 
       January 6, 1941 .............................................  81 
XXIII  Third Inaugural Address, January 20, 1941 ...................  88 
 XXIV  Address at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner 
       Washington D. C., March 15, 1941 ............................  91 
  XXV  Address over the radio in celebration of Jackson Day, Fort  
       Lauderdale Fla., April 1, 1941 ..............................  97 
 XXVI  Address before the Governing Board of the Pan American 
       Union, May 27, 1941 ......................................... 101 
XXVII  Message to the Congress relating to the dispatch of naval  
       forces to Iceland, July 7, 1941 ............................. 110 
XXVIII Joint statement of the President of the United States and the 
       Prime Minister of Great Britain ("The Atlantic Charter") 
       August 14, 1941 ............................................. 112 
 XXIX  Address over the radio concerning the attack upon the  
       destroyer Greer, September 11, 1941 ......................... 114 
  XXX  Address over the radio on Navy Day concerning the attack upon 
       the destroyer Kearny, October 27, 1941 ...................... 120 
 XXXI  Address before a joint session of the Senate and House of 
       Representatives asking for the declaration of the existence 
       of a state of war with the Japanese Empire,  
       December 8, 1941 ............................................ 125 
XXXII  Address over the radio following the declaration of a state  
       of war with the Japanese Empire, December 9, 1941 ........... 127 
XXXIII Message to the Congress requesting the recognition of a state 
       of war with Germany and Italy, December 11, 1941 ............ 133 
XXXIV  Address over the radio on the one hundred and fiftieth  
       anniversary of the adoption of the American Bill of Rights,  
       December 15, 1941 ........................................... 134 
 XXXV  Annual Message to the Congress, January 6, 1942 ............. 136 
XXXVI  Address over the radio in celebration of Washington's  
       Birthday, February 23, 1942 ................................. 143