
Congressional Net Caucus Draft Agenda

Congress and Net execs have formed a group educate our reps on Net issues.
You will be happy to know that:

"On the agenda are five panels planned by the caucus's advisory committee. 
The key issues include: how Congress can use the Net;  online privacy;
taxation and economic regulation; access charges;  content regulation; and

That is to say that we are talking about many of the same issues in our
seminar. And yes, they will be preparing for the CDA's rejection by the
Supremes. But they will also address a topic which we have not thought
much about:

"This year, the caucus will cover topics now in the national spotlight,
such as Internet access rates and services. It will also address Net
taxation, which is already coming up in various state bills." 

For a news report on the caucus:
For a link to the Caucus pages:

This reminds me to tell you that you could use your papers to inform your
representatives and/or to present at conferences if you wish. I'll post
some Calls for Papers as  see them (there is a great one in Cannes).