

Can it be that the video-conferencing courses satisfy one kind of 
learning -- they might be particularly well-suited to home-bound folks, 
or folks to who very far from a center of "higher education" -- and 
the actual classroom experience might satisfy another type of education 
that requires the sparks one gets from interaction with other human beings?

I know I used to be very impatient with journalists' conferences because 
it seems like we talked about the same things over and over. But I did 
find there was quite a bit of "incidental learning." Someone would say 
something, would would prompt someone else to think something new. And 
before you knew it, you had gained a very useful bit of knowledge. I 
think we get smarter by being around each other.


On Fri, 28 Feb 1997, SaiAnand Balu wrote:

> Date: Fri, 28 Feb 1997 09:18:22 -0500 (EST)
> From: SaiAnand Balu <balus@ils.unc.edu>
> To: ils310@listserv.oit.unc.edu
> On Fri, 28 Feb 1997, Chris Brannon wrote:
> ## The idea of universities degenerating into a system of
> ## techno-correspondence courses and satellite community colleges just seems
> ## ludicrous.  How could that possibly be so much cheaper?  Because we can
> ## save money on professor salaries by eliminating the "excess?"  Because we
> ## can have fully interactive, two-way video classes with a professor and
> ## 10,000 remote students at once?  Because everyone can live at home with
> ## their parents, instead of living in a dorm?  Exactly how will that improve
> ## "the content or the quality of education?"
> I have to agree and disagree with u Chris. The keyword is "higher
> education". "higher" education in universities , as Drucker says, may
> become totally online. Distance education, I think, takes a new meaning
> with internet technology..things are faster with online classes etc..
> and it allows for global reach. I can tune into future inls 310-076
> classes from my desktop here or from India and I can totally be unaware
> whether the window sil painting  of sils is peeling out or for that matter 
> whether the professor is teaching from  his/her house or from Manning
> hall doesnt matter....
> Quality of educations is the global reach it takes...
> "Is it a good time or what? ;)" ;)
> Cheers,
> -Sai

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