
New breakthru for computer telephony

>From edupage
Several companies plan to unveil products that should boost computer
telephony, based on the new Java Telephony API (JTAPI), at next week's CT
Expo in Los Angeles.  "The beauty of JTAPI is that runs on multiple
platforms and environments," says an industry consultant.  Lucent
Technologies will introduce its PassageWay software, an applications
development tool that links to any telephone system and Sun Microsystems
will debut a development kit called JavaTel that allows users to build
telephony functions, such as call control and routing, into Java-based
applications.  A recent survey by Sage Research showed that only 13% of
companies currently are using computer telephony, but fully half plan to use
it within the next two years.  (Communications Week Interactive 28 Feb 97)

                             Paul Jones
Certified Black Helicopter Pilot *** Unwitting Dupe of One World Gov'ment
http://sunsite.unc.edu/pjones/     The Unix Web Server Book (Ventana 1997)
  pjones@sunsite.unc.edu   voice: (919) 962-7600     fax: (919) 962-8071 