
Fwd: A few good people (fwd)

This is good example of the misinformation/disinformation which is on the
net.  I have visited the site.  It is rambling at best, and incoherent at
the worst (in my opinion).  But what I gather from the ads posted to the
jobs list, what this guy is envisioning is some kind of Internet
subscription information service, which anyone can volunteer to research
and maintain an "information" file.  So the neo-nazis could run the
information on black history, the anti-abortionists could coordinate
information on abortion, Jehovah's witness could corner Christianity,etc.
It's sort of scary to consider the term papers that freshmen could
generate on this, "information".  

Serena Fenton

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:42:06 -0500
From: "Kompst, Betty" <kompst.ils@mhs.unc.edu>
To: jobs-l@ruby.ils.unc.edu
Subject: Fwd: A few good people

  To: wiredbrain@webname.com
  From: pflaump@worldnet.att.net (Peter Pflaum)

Write pflaump@wiredbrain.com DO NOT respond to sender
- http://www.wiredbrain.com/ 
March 21, 1997 

RE: A handful - a few good people:

I have had a few responses to our search for a few good people to
act as editors, researchers, journalist, scholars for Synergy
Networks subscription information services, Synergy Enterprise
News Search Enlightenment SENSE...

We need a few good people to do sample pages on any subject of
interest to them. We then hope others will be interested enough
to subscribe.

You need: ( see the site for details )
A PC and connections to a Internet Service Provider (ISP) 
A web site - you can use www.geocities.com 2 Mb for free
A web page editor with FTP to your site.

Use any means necessary to create an example of the topic you
have selected. It should include: A.) A system for daily updates
B.) a reference page to important on-going sources of information
C.) background papers reflecting the background and basics in the
field ( technology101 ). All information is not on the Web or in
Journals - it maybe useful to write a introduction to your topic.
All these pages can be changed at anytime. 

WHEN we get a handful of examples we will promote the concept and
try to find partners. WHEN there is enough content we will charge
fees. Each SENSE editor runs their own site and collects 4/5 of
the fees. Your income depends on the number of subscribers.
Members get access to all the pages beyond their special interest
and personal searches. SYNERGY comes from independent enterprise
and initiative. 

Copies of the SYNERGY JOURNAL sent by request:

Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 
225 Robinson Road, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-1355
pflaump IRC webforum.research.digital.com join #synergybunch 
http://www.altavista.forum.digital.com/ Directory Floor 503 
Please write to pflaump@wiredbrain.com -- ( DO NOT respond to sender)
 http://www.altavista.forum.digital.com/ Floor 503 
Peter E. Pflaum Ph.D. , Headmaster GLOBAL_VILLAGE_SCHOOLHOUSE 225 
New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169-2176 (904) 428-1355 

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| To: wiredbrain@webname.com
| From: pflaump@worldnet.att.net (Peter Pflaum)
| Subject: A few good people
| Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 15:24:06 +0000
| Message-ID: <19970321151300.AAA10111@pflaump>