JOMC 125.1

cybercasting and cyberpublishing logo

Cybercasting and Cyberpublishing

The Internet has quickly become an important world of publishing and broadcasting. But it is also a world of its own in which music, video, sound clips, pictures, maps and text are presented to audiences world-wide--sometimes synchronously, sometimes asyncronously.

Students in this hands-on course will survey and evaluate technologies such as advanced HTML design, JavaScript, use of CGI-BIN, audio and video technologies for the Web as well as CU-SeeMe, MBONE and other emerging Internet technologies, then design and implement (cyberpublish and/or cybercast) productions on the Internet using some of these technologies as time and access permit. In short, we will be information producers rather than information consumers. In the process, we will become familiar with issues of technology, design, content, law, ethics, advertising and the culture of the Internet.

Most readings will be available free on the Internet. But this semester, we will also use Information Architecture for the World Wide Web by Louis Rosenfeld & Peter Morville (O'Reilly, 1998) as our text.

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You must have completed JOMC 50 "Electronic Information Sources" and created a WWW page or have permission of the instructor to qualify for this course.

Instructor: Paul Jones is the manager and developer of one of the world's busiest Internet servers,