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The Prism

The Prism Past Issues 1996

December 1996 - January 1997
November 1996
October 1996
September 1996
June 1996
May 1996

1997 Archives
1998 Archives

December 1996 - January 1997


Education - Special Section
Analyzing the Crisis: Introduction to Special Section on Education
NC Sidelines ESL Students
This Thing Called Education: A Daughter's Journey
Rebuilding Peace in Guatemala
Book Review: School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem and the Confidence Gap
The Perils of Primetime
Are Nuclear Plants Raining Breast Cancer on North Carolinians?
Hunger Network Stares Down the Barrel of the Welfare Catastrophe
Rock 'n Poll
Radiation and Humans Don't Mix
Calling All Lawyers and Legal Workers
The Arkansas Grand Jury Defense
Nader Does Well in the Triangle
Break the Awkward Silence About Lesbians and Gays
Looking for an Education Policy? Ask the Kids
Welfare Changes Call for Determined Response
Inexpensive "Ghosts" of Welfare Past


Eye on the Media
Ask Kropotkin
Trading Post
Activist Calendar

November 1996


Poisons for Farmworkers Under Your Xmas Tree?
The Labor Party Goes to Work
Longing for the "House of the Father"
NPR - National Propoganda Radio
"Workfare" and Prison Forced Labor: New Strategies to Reduce Wages
Welfare Reform - Good or Bad?
It Pays to Play
Power Companies Escalate Nuclear Mega-Dump
How Much Money Do You Need to Be Happy?
A Short History of Prison Labor
Measuring Progress
South Africa's Metamorphosis Continues in 1996
Editorial: Our Ongoing Experiment...
Campaign Finance Reform in NC
DOT's Scorched Earth
Women Impel Change in Chiapas
New from New York! It's Workfare!


Eye on the Media
Children's Corner: Fantasy is Good for the Child
Ask Kropotkin
Trading Post
Activist Calendar

October 1996


Elections '96 - Special 4-page spread
The Ballot Access Hurdle in North Carolina: An Almost Insurmountable Obstacle
Proportional Representation Fair to Everyone
The Left Must Abandon the Democrats
Beach Blanket Insurance
Welcome to an Experiment
Vote NO on Highway Bonds
Book Review: Katherine the Great
Letter Home from Chiapas, Mexico: Sept. 1996
Live Pigeon Shoots Are Pennsylvania's Shame

September 1996


NC Panel Stalls Health Reform
Abandoned in Durham, Part II
Statement on Health Care
UNC Student Stores Tries to Shut Down Internationalist Books
Beach Real Estate Welfare Under the Weather
Unfree to Travel, Report in "democratic" Mexico
Our Chiapas Correspodent Makes an Initial Report
Dump Project Remains Alive Amid Controversy on Who Will Bear Costs - and Risks
Editorial: Response to the Nader Candidacy
Earth Tribe, a New Pagan Group, Forms
The Truth Behind the Hogwash
No US Warplanes for Indonesia's Military
Focus on CIA's Cocaine Links Long Overdue
What's Nicaragua Like Today?
And Now It's Time for "Media Jeopardy!"
Poll Shows Anger Builds Against Corporations
What Is Single-Payer Health Care?
NCOSH Celebrates 20th Year with Charlie King Concert
Face-off at Wellspring

July/August 1996


Imminent Death of Nuclear Waste Site Unlikely
Don't swallow this corporate swill!
Local Activists Launch Nader Write-In Campaign
Time for People's Channel?
Poultry Workers Fight for Decent Living
In the Belly of the Beast, Part 5: El Salvador
Stand Up for Children
Yeltsin's Russia: On Its Knees and Sinking
Discordant Cuba Policy
Follow-up on "Abandoned in Durham", The Prism's lead story in June
Nun Asks US Government to ID This Man


Eye on the Media
The Square-Headed Time-Sucking Leech
Trading Post
Activist Calendar

June 1996


Abandoned in Durham
Dole and Public Television: Killing It Softly
Protesters against School of Americas Sentenced
In the Belly of the Beast, Part 4: Guatemala
Kid's Corner: Books on war for youth
When You're an "Other"
Does a Foreign Affairs Article Herald a Major Turn in Global Policies?
Selective Drug Prosecution in Robeson County?


Eye on the Media
The Square-Headed Time-Sucking Leech
Trading Post
Take Action Calendar

May 1996


Now, My Side of the Story
University Housekeepers and Students Rally
Judicial District 15-B Election Raises Issues of Representation
Pepsi: The Choice of a New GENOCIDE
Cast Your Vote Daily with a Dollar Bill - Part 2
In the Belly of the Beast, Part 3: Haiti
Students Against Discrimination
Mexican Supreme Court Blames Guerrero Officials for Abuses
Ecological Democracy: Book Review
School of Assassins is Located at Fort benning, Georgia
Education Testing: The Implications
May Day: The Real Labor Day


The Square-Headed Time-Sucking Leech
Take Action
Trading Post

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