# # The XXX_DIR variables below MUST have ABSOLUTE path. Since this file # is sourced from several directories relative path specification will # be simple wrong. # SRC_DIR = /pub/Admin/Incoming/Candidats/TEST/irit-6.0 # # All libraries created will be installed into the LIB_DIR directory. # LIB_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/lib # # All includes files associated with the installed libraries will be # installed into the INC_DIR directory. # INC_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/include # # All binaries created will be installed into the BIN_DIR directory. # BIN_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/bin # # Location of object file to resolve circularities in libraries. # CIRCLINK = $(SRC_DIR)/circlink/circlink.o # # The scan converter (irender) needs the Utah Raster Toolkit (URT) library # to read/write image data. You can ftp it in cs.utah.edu. # # Make these empty if you would like to give up on irender's compilation. # # URT = /usr/local/apps/urt/urt3.0 # URT_INC = -I$(URT)/include # URT_LIB = $(URT)/lib/librle.a # URT_FLAGS = -DHAVE_URT_RLE -DURT_OLD_COMPAT URT= URT_INC= URT_LIB= URT_FLAGS= # # Uncomment the correct set of variables to be used or modify it for # your system. # # -D flags: # # -D__GL__ - if your system supports gl graphics library (SGI 4d & IBM R6000). # # -D__X11__ - if your system supports X11. Only one of __GL__ or __X11__ should # be used. # # Emulation to the following function are available by defining the # following. Look at misc_lib/xgeneral.c/h for implementation. # -DGETCWD - if getcwd is not defined in this system. # -DSTRSTR - if strstr is not defined in this system. # -DSTRDUP - if strdup is not defined in this system. # -DSTRICMP - if niether strcasecmp nor stricmp are defined in this system. # # -DTIMES - if times is defined in your system, otherwise uses time. # # -DRAND - if the (s)rand random number generator exists. # -DRAND48 - ?rand48 random number generators exists. # If non of RAND or RAND48 are defined, (s)random is used. # # Unfortunately, there is no one Unix function to do subseconds' sleep. # -DUSLEEP - if usleep is defined in the system. # -DSGINAP - on sgi systems instead of usleep. # -DUSLEEP_SELECT - do the usleep using the 'select' unix call. # -DITIMERVAL - when all the above fails, try this. # # -DNO_VOID_PTR - if your C compiler does not support (void *). # # -DUSE_VARARGS - if your system does not have stdarg.h and have the old # varargs.h. # # -DNO_CONCAT_STR - if 'char *p = "This is" "one string";' is illegal. # # -DGRAPDRVS - any combination of of 'xgldrvs', 'xgladap', 'x11drvs', etc. # # -DMAKE_REAL_FLOAT - force real number to be float and not double. # Expect problems as it is not really tested. # # -DURT_INC and -DURT_LIB - library and include of the utah raster toolkit. # This library is used by irender to save images in rle format. # # -DHAVE_URT_RLE - if irender can use the URT RLE package. That is URT_INC/ # URT_LIB are properly set. # # Other, possibly useful defines (for c code development): # # -DDEBUG - for some debugging functions in the code (that can be invoked # from a debugger). # # # Flags for i386 Linux using X11R6 # CC = gcc DFLAGS = -D__UNIX__ -DX11R6 -D__X11__ -DSTRICMP -DTIMES -DRAND -DUSLEEP -D_POSIX_SOURCE -I/usr/include CFLAGS = -O2 -pipe -m486 -fomit-frame-pointer $(DFLAGS) # CFLAGS = -g -DDEBUG $(DFLAGS) MORELIBS = -lc GRAPX11LIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 GRAPDRVS = nuldrvs x11drvs # # Default rule for compilation. # .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(URT_FLAGS) $(MORE_FLAGS) -I. -I$(INC_DIR) $(URT_INC) $(MORE_INC) -c $< # # All libraries. # LIBS = $(CIRCLINK) $(URT_LIB) -L$(LIB_DIR) -luser -lbool -lgeom -lprsr -ltrim -ltriv -lsymb -lcagd -lmisc -lxtra # -lgif