The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture __________________________________________________________________ ISSN 1068-5723 September 27, 1993 Volume 1 Issue 6 STEPP V1N6 VIRTUALIZATION OF INSTITUTES FOR RESEARCH Ermel Stepp Marshall University Huntington, WV 25755-2440 Abstract Research and scholarly inquiry is being fostered, encouraged, advanced, and communicated, within and across multiple disciplines, in cyberspace, in ways that transcend the early origins and historical heritage of computer networking. Communities of research scholars have emerged to engage in collaborative research and scholarly inquiry in cyberspace. Several communities in cyberspace have been organized as global virtual institutes for research. Three such virtual research institutes are: The Merton Research Institute, the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership, and the Institute for Research on Virtual Culture. Such virtual institutes for research are virtualized through optimal utilization of globally networked computer information systems, including: 1. Electronic forums to conduct sustained, substantive discourse on research and scholarly inquiry; 2. Peer-reviewed electronic journals; 3. Archives of notebooks/digests of dialogue on research and scholarly inquiry, peer-reviewed electronic journals, and other relevant documents--research papers, reports, masters theses, and doctoral dissertations. Various examples of practical documents to virtualize research institutes are presented in the Appendices. I. Virtual Culture of Cyberspace Virtual culture may be defined as computer-mediated human experience/behavior/action/interaction, such as electronic mail, conferences, and journals; information distribution/retrieval; the construction and visualization of images/representations/ models of reality and/or worlds; and global connectivity. For the purposes of this paper, comments will be limited to simple statements about the Internet and cyberspace. I.A. Computer Networks Virtual culture includes numerous computer networks, such as BITNET and the Internet. The Internet, for example, had over 8,000 connected networks, approximately 1.3 million computers, eight million users, growing exponentially, in 40 countries in. 1992, according to Sterling [1]. Various uses, such as by business, Quarterman [2] and Slutsker [3], have been discussed on the networks and in the print press. Popular books on the Internet are published regularly, for example, Kehoe [4], Krol [5], Marine et al. [6], LaQuey [7], and Quarterman [8]. Of course, such developments as the National Research and Education (NREN) and SuperJanet, by enabling legislation and privatization and commercialization will expand virtual culture considerably beyond the traditional boundaries of academic and research institutions to homes, schools, libraries, professional enterprise, small businesses, large corporations, and government. The concepts of the Internet include a hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS) and addressing, protocols (the TCP/IP suite, the telnet protocol, file transfer protocol (FTP), requests for comments (RFCs), for your information (FYI), and standards (STDs). There are various procedures to gain access in general and in particular to various types of networks that constitute the Internet. There are numerous providers/vendors of services for research, education, commerce, and individual use. Costs are of access are determined by such factors as services desired, hardware used, dedicated lines vs dialup, distance from host, frequency of use, peak vs non-peak charges, and telephone charges. Acceptable use policies have been articulated. I.B Cyberspace Various aspects of virtual culture have been discussed by writers, such as the interactive Whole by Lemke [9]; cyberspace by Benedikt [10]; cyberpunks by Jackson [11]; corporate culture by Hamilton et al. [12]; man-machine cyborgs by Haraway [13]; super beings by Turchin and Joslyn [14]; and virtual reality and community by Rheingold [15]. Lemke said: Cyberspace is the space of interactive computational possibilities. It is, in one sense, a network that makes all participating computers and their accessible contents (data, programs) available to the users of any participating computer, anywhere. It means that all the information on earth and every strategy for transforming information ever conceived anywhere are in principle available to every user all the time [16]. Lemke argues that cyberspace and human-machine units, cyborgs, lead to a higher level of cybersystems of interaction with the environment to produce cyberecosystems. An accentuated sense of presence in extended modalities is inevitable. The manifestations of pluralistic turbulence in cyberspace may be indicative of fractal dimensions. This raises questions about the "highest good", the "good of the Whole". Indeed, it does raise basic questions about the dominant values of cyberculture. New strategically important research is suggested by the emerging virtual culture. The conceptualization of the cyberspace of the cyberecosystem Whole is intriguing and problematic. Likewise, the technocultural reformulation, synthesis, and testing of ideas is inevitable. Several points of departure in transformational initiatives in virtual culture of cyberspace include: . Maslow's idea of metahuman transcendence [17], . Heidegger's idea of being-there [18], . Lovelock's idea of Gaia [19], and . Contemplative vision of the whole, even mystic visions, fusions, and identifications. II. Virtual Institutes for Research These considerations have been sufficiently compelling to organize virtual institutes for research initiatives in cyberspace. Virtual institutes have a global community of research scholars engaged in collaborative inquiry. Such virtual institutes conduct an electronic conference, publish a peer-reviewed electronic journal, and maintain computer networked archives for the multi-continental distribution of the logged discourse, electronic journal, research reports, masters dissertations, doctoral dissertations, and related documents. Overall, such virtual institutes function through optimal utilization of networked information systems and emergent innovations, e.g. FTP and archie, telnet, Gopher and veronica, WAIS, hypertext based WWW, and multimedia. Virtualization is the extent of critical meaning and significance of computer-mediation for the existence, viability, vitality, of a human group, institute, organization, institution, or community. The distinctive character and culture of communities of scholars may be constituted on this critical meaning and significance in the creation and development of knowledge via discourse and interaction in cyberspace. Communities of scholars constituted by virtualization in cyberspace are virtual research institutes. The missions of the virtual institutes for research are to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate research and scholarly inquiry, within and across multiple disciplines, on thematic domains such as contemplative life, visionary leadership, and virtual culture. They may include implications for education, culture, the quality of life, and the human condition. For example: 1. The Merton Research Institute (TMRI) focuses on contemplative life, including the elaboration of emergent ideas such as: . Provocative prophetic criticism of education, culture, the quality of life, and the human condition; . Ultrahumanization, the highest levels of human potential and development . Uultraculturation, the highest level of meaningfulness in the totality of ultimate holism 2. The Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership (IRVL) focuses on visionary leadership, including the elaboration of emergent ideas such as: . Metacognition, primordial syntax of vision . Metamotivation, orientation to ultimate concerns and being values . Metasystems, higher systems of education, culture, the quality of life, and the human condition, and . Metapraxis, action based on the highest principles of vision. 3. The Institute for Research on Virtual Culture (IRVC) focuses on cyberculture, including the elaboration of emergent ideas such as: . Cyberontology, space, time, and being in cyberspace, and differences from normal everydayness . Cybernous, awareness, consciousness, beliefs, and knowledge in cyberspace . Cyberaxios, value-orientations in cyberspace . Cyberplexity, complexity in cybersystems, and . Cyberpolis, highest degree of achievable and sustainable (ultimate) holism in education, culture, the quality of life, and the human condition; Consistent with this mission, the common major goals of the three named virtual institutes are to: 1. Evaluate substantive thought, elaboration, interpretation, and criticism, including historical and contemporary perspectives, meanings and implications. 2. Create and maintain research archives in libraries, including original manuscripts, publications, audio and video tapes, and computer media. 3. Create a virtual culture for scholarship and research. a. Create and maintain a continuing electronic conferences, as a world-wide, interactive forums for substantive discourse, consultation, and advice. Organize a continuing, world-wide, multidisciplinary association of research associates in multiple disciplines, professions, and countries for relevant, scholarly inquiry and publication. b. Distribute papers, proceedings, and reports by globally connected computer networked information systems on every continent that may be accessed by anyone at anytime. c. Create and publish a refereed, electronic journal to be distributed via globally connected, computer networked, information systems on every continent that may be accessed by anyone at anytime. d. Teach interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary courses, including honors courses on virtual culture, visionary leadership, and contemplative life of via world-wide, computer-mediated communication in collaboration with selected institutions of higher education, as the sole means of delivery, in conjunction with residential courses, and in coordination with televised satellite broadcasts. 4. Organize and participate in a research consortium of institutions to create conditions, arrangements, and cooperation for the promotion, facilitation, and conduct of relevant scholarly research and inquiry and publication in cyberspace in multiple disciplines, professions, and forums. a. Collaborate with institutions, organizations, and associations, and individuals in substantive research and scholarly inquiry. b. Participate in, organize, and host regional, national, and international conferences on relevant themes, such as increasing the quality of life and improving education, culture, and the human condition III. Network Initiatives of the Institutes Network initiatives of the virtual institutes for research include scholarly forums/conferences via listserv, electronic journals, and anonymous ftp archives. III.A Scholarly Electronic Forums The creation of a scholarly forum involves considerable planning, even via on-line conferences, and the installation of a mailing list on a listserver, and writing files to communicate the purposes, goals, policies, procedures to interact with the listserver and the forum., and: 1. Distribution of an announcement of its existence to other forums and electronic media. See Appendix A for an example--the announcement of MERTON-L, he forum for research on contemplative life, sponsored by The Merton Research Institute 2. Archiving an information file for retrieval by interested, persons. See Appendix B for an example-- the information file for IRVL-L, the forum for research on visionary leadership, sponsored by the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership. 3. Distribution of a welcome message to new members. See Appendix C for an example--the welcome message for IRVC-L, the forum for research on virtual culture, sponsored by the Institute for Research on Virtual Culture. III.B Peer-Reviewed Journals The creation of an electronic journal involves considerable planning, writing, the installation of archives, and:: 1. Issuing calls for editors, stating types, qualifications, and responsibilities, retrieval procedures, and contact. See example in Appendix D. 2. Issuing appointments of editors. See example in Appendix E. 3. Issuing periodic calls for articles, stating thematic focus, submission requirements, deadlines, procedures, retrieval procedures, and contact. See example in Appendix F. 4. Archiving guidelines for authors, stating form and style. See example in Appendix G. 5. Archiving policy, plan, and organization of the peer- review process. See example in Appendix H. 6. Conduct peer-review. 7. Archive electronic journal files, including articles and supplementary information. 8. Archiving an index of available files, especially for ftp. See example in Appendix I for automatic index by listserver and Appendix J for ftp index of archive. 9. Distributing Table of Contents (TOC), with procedures for archive access and retrieval of files. See example in Appendix K. 10. Securing indexing and abstracting support. Examples of electronic journals of the mentioned virtual institutes for research are: 1. The peer-reviewed electronic journal of The Merton Research is _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_, which is distributed initially via anonymous ftp to : /pub/merton/RCLEQ. 2. The peer-reviewed electronic journal of the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership is _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_, which is initially distributed via anonymous ftp to : /pub/estepp/RVLEQ. 3. The electronic journal sponsored by the Institute for Research on Virtual Culture, in collaboration with Kent State University, is the _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_, which is distributed via anonymous ftp to : /pub/ejvc and via listserv@kentvm and through ejvc-l. III.C Networked Archives Database archives are found in a variety of systems, such as listservers, ftp sites, gopherspace, WAIS, and WWW. Archives may include automatically logged messages of discourse in notebooks/digests, electronic journal, databases, research reports, masters theses, and doctoral dissertations. The archives of the TMRI, IRVL, and IRVC are at in /pub/merton, /pub/estepp/IRVL and /pub/estepp/IRVC, respectively. The mission and goals statement for the virtual institutes are available as follows: 1. The mission and goals statement for the TMRI is available by anonymous FTP to in subdirectory /pub/merton as file TMRI.mission.goals. 2. The mission and goals statement for the IRVL is available by anonymous FTP to in subdirectory /pub/estepp/IRVL as file IRVL.mission.goals. 3. The mission and goals statement for IRVC is available by anonymous FTP to in the subdirectory /pub/estepp/IRVC as file IRVC.mission.goals. Summary Virtual institutes for research and scholarly inquiry are emerging in cyberspace. The virtual culture of such institutes is structured by scholarly electronic forums, peer-reviewed electronic journals, and archives of documents. Such virtual communities empower research scholars with global connectivity that minimizes the time required for the dissemination of ideas, critique, consensus, and publication. Virtual institutes for research have the potential, thereby, to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate knowledge and understanding more effectively than ever before in human history. References [1] Sterling, B. (1992). F&SF Science Column #5 "Internet", _The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction_. In" (February 26, 1993). Complete Internet History by B. Sterling (long). [2] Quarterman. John S. (22 Feb. 1993). _Computerworld_. [3] Slutsker, G. (February 1, 1993). The tortoise and the hare. _Forbes_, 66-69. [4] Kehoe, B. P. (1992). _Zen and the art of the internet: A beginner's guide_. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. [5] Krol, E. (1992). _The whole Internet catalog & user's guide_. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly and Associates. [6] Marine, A. K. Susan; Neou, V.,& Ward, C. (192). _Internet: getting started_. Menlo Park, California: SRI International. [7] LaQuey. T. & Ryer, J. C. (1992). _The Internet companion_. New York: Addison Wesley. [8] Quarterman. J. (1990). _The matrix: Computer networks and conferencing systems worldwide_. Bedford, MA: Digital. [9] Lemke, J. L. (1993). Education, cyberspace, and change. _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_, 1(1). [10] Benedikt, M. (1991). _Cyberspace: First steps_. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [11] Jackson, D. S. (February 8, 1993). Cyberpunk! _Time_, 58-65. [12] Hamilton, J., Smith, E. T., McWilliams, G. Schwartz, E. J., & Carey, J. (October 5, 1993). _Virtual reality: How a computer-generated world could change the real world_. _Business Week_, 96-100, 102, 104-105. [13] Haraway, D. (1991). _Simians, cyborgs, and women_. New York: Routledge. [14] Turchin, V. F. & Joslyn, C. (1990). _Kybernetes_, 19:2-3. [15] Rheingold, H. (1991). _Virtual reality_. New York: Simon & Schuster. [16] Lemke, J. L. (1993). Education, cyberspace, and change. _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_, 1(1). [17] Maslow, A. (1971). _The farther reaches of human nature_. New York: Penguin. [18] Heidegger, M. (1962). _Being and time_. New York: Harper and Rowe. [19 Lovelock, J. (1989). _The ages of Gaia: A biography of our living Earth_. Oxford: Oxford University Press. APPENDIX A: Example - Announcement of IRVL-L IRVL-L on LISTSERV@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU Research on Visionary Leadership IRVL-L was formed for substantive discourse on research and scholarly inquiry to create and develop knowledge on visionary leadership. Appropriate issues for substantive discourse, within and across disciplines, arenas, and practices include: 1. Conceptualization of visionary leadership 2. Alternative futures 3. Review and critique of theory and research 4. Alternative designs and methodologies 5. Findings, conclusions and implications 6. Research in progress on visionary leadership 7. Collaborative research by subscribers 8. Setting the research agenda on visionary leadership 9. Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership 10. Relevant announcements, events, and issues Archives of IRVL-L, including mail and related documents, will be available to subscribers. To subscribe to IRVL-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@BYRD.MU.WVNET.EDU via email: SUBSCRIBE IRVL-L yourfirstname yourlastname For example: SUBSCRIBE IRVL-L Thomas Jefferson Owner: Ermel Stepp APPENDIX B: Example - IRVC-L information Forum for Research on Virtual Culture The Institute for Research on Virtual culture (IRVC) aims to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate research and scholarly inquiry on virtual culture. IRVC-L is a virtual forum of IRVC to conduct substantive discourse on research and scholarly inquiry to create and develop knowledge about virtual culture. Substantive discourse is encouraged on topics such as: 1. Conceptualization of virtual culture (alternative philosophic, metatheoretical, and theoretical paradigms, principles, assumptions, propositions, and problems) 2. Alternative futures orientation, change, transformation, reform, and restructuring: conservative, liberal, or radical 3. Review and critique of literature, including articles in refereed scholarly journals 4. Alternative designs and methodologies for research and scholarly inquiry on virtual culture 5. Findings, conclusions and implications for education, 6. Research in progress on virtual culture 7. Collaborative research by subscribers 8. Setting the research agenda on virtual culture 9. Institute for Research on Virtual Culture 10. Relevant announcements, events, and issues <<< Subscription to IRVC-L >>> To subscribe to IRVC-L send a message to with the line of text: subscribe IRVC-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname Example: subscribe IRVC-L Thomas Jefferson <<< Sending a Message to IRVC-L >>> Messages sent to the forum will be automatically distributed to all subscribers. Such messages should be within the scope of the purposes of the forum: Substantive discourse of virtual culture, related research issues (e.g., design and/or methodology) relevant announcements, and other messages pertinent to the forum. To send a message to the forum, address the message to [Do not send a message intended for the forum to the listserv.] <<< IRVC-L Archive >>> Messages will be automatically archived, commencing in August 1993, in digests, with the style IRVC-L.mmm.yy, where mmm is the first three letters of the month and yy is the last two numerals of the year. Other files will be archived as well. All messages sent to IRVC-L are archived at To get an index of the archive of files and digests of messages send a message to with the line of text: index IRVC-L <<< UNIX-listserver >>> IRVC-L is on a unix listserver. To receive a list of commands that may be used on this listserver send a message to with the line of text: help Other commands may be included on separate lines in the message, such as: get IRVC-L this file (to get this file on IRVC-L) review IRVC-L (to get a list of unconcealed subscribers to IRVC-L) get IRVC-L irvc-l.aug.93 (to get the archived messages to IRVC-L for August 1993) <<< Anonymous FTP Archive >>> IRVC maintains archives, including research papers and reports, dissertations, conference proceedings, journals, and other information about IRVC and virtual culture. The archive may be accessed by anonymous FTP to in /pub/estepp/IRVC in various subdirectories. Research scholars and writers may submit documents to be archived. Retrieve file archive.submission from /pub/estepp/IRVC and follow the instructions in it. The _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_ (EJVC) is a refereed, scholarly journal published by Arachnet, with the cooperation of the Kent State University and the Institute for Research on Virtual Culture, Marshall University. The EJVC is archived at in /pub/ejvc, and it is retrievable via anonymous FTP. Get EJVC.ARCHIVES from the archives via FTP. Articles published in the EJVC will be discussed on IRVC-L. To subscribe to the EJVC, send email to listserv@KENTVM.BITNET or listserv@KENTVM.KENT.EDU with the sole line of text: subscribe EJVC Firstname Lastname using your real name, of course. <<< Listowner >>> Questions about IRVC, IRVC-L, EJVC and related issues may be directed to the listowner: Dr. Ermel Stepp Executive Director Institute for Research on Virtual Culture Marshall University Huntington WV 25755-2440 Internet BITNET M034050@MARSHALL finger M034050@MARSHALL.MU.WVNET.EDU APPENDIX C: Example - MERTON-L Welcome Forum for Research on Contemplative Life Welcome to MERTON-L! I hope that the discourse on the forum is beneficial to you and that the forum benefits from your contributions. This welcoming message contains information on the following topics about MERTON-L. Unsubscribing from MERTON-L Sending a Message to MERTON-L MERTON-L Archive UNIX-listserver Anonymous FTP Listowner MERTON-L is sponsored by The Merton Research Institute (TMRI). The mission of TMRI is to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate research on contemplative life. The purpose of MERTON-L is to facilitate substantive discourse on research and scholarly inquiry to create and develop knowledge about contemplative life. Discourse is encouraged on topics consistent with this purpose, such as: 1. Conceptualization of contemplative life (alternative philosophic, metatheoretical, and theoretical paradigms, principles, assumptions, propositions, and problems) 2. Alternative futures 3. Review and critique of literature, including articles in refereed scholarly journals, on contemplative life 4. Alternative designs and methodologies for research and scholarly inquiry on contemplative life 5. Findings, conclusions and implications about contemplative life, especially with regard to education, the quality of life, the human condition, and culture 6. Research in progress on contemplative life 7. Collaborative research on contemplative life 8. Setting the research agenda on contemplative life (disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, multiple arenas, and practices) 9. The Merton Research Institute 10. The Merton Research Consortium 11. Relevant announcements, events, and related issues <<< Unsubscribing from MERTON-L >>> You may want to unsubscribe from MERTON-L sometime; so, to unsubscribe from MERTON-L send a message to with the line of text: unsubscribe MERTON-L <<< Sending a Message to MERTON-L >>> Messages sent to the forum will be automatically distributed to all subscribers. Such messages should be within the scope of the purposes of the forum.: Substantive discourse of contemplative life, related research issues (e.g., design and/or methodology) relevant announcements, and other messages pertinent to the forum. To send a message to the forum, address the message to [Do not send a message intended for the forum to the listserv.] <<< MERTON-L Archive >>> Messages posted to merton-l will be automatically archived, in digests, with the style merton.mmm.yy, where mmm is the first three letters in the name of the month and yy is the last two numerals for the year (e.g., merton.aug.93). Other files will be archived as well. To get an index of the archive of files and digests of messages send a message to with the lines of text: index MERTON-L get MERTON-L merton.aug.93 (to get the archived messages of MERTON-L for August 1993) <<< UNIX-listserver >>> MERTON-L is on a unix listserver. To receive a list of commands that may be used on this listserver send a message to with the line of text: help <<< Anonymous FTP Archive >>> TMRI will maintain networked archives, including research papers and reports, dissertations, conference proceedings, journals, and other information about TMRI and contemplative life. The archive may be accessed by anonymous FTP to in /pub/merton. Research scholars and writers who are interested in archiving documents for world-wide distribution via anonymous ftp should send an abstract of the document, but not the document itself, via email message to the listowner. After the abstract is reviewed, further information will be provided. _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RCL) is a new refereed, scholarly journal to be published by TMRI. RCL will be archived at in /pub/merton/RCL, and it will be retrievable via anonymous FTP. Articles published in RCL will be discussed on MERTON-L. Copyright and ISSN. <<< Listowner >>> Questions about TMRI, MERTON-L, RCL and related issues may be directed to the listowner: Dr. Ermel Stepp Executive Director The Merton Research Institute Marshall University Huntington WV 25755-2440 Internet BITNET M034050@MARSHALL finger M034050@MARSHALL.MU.WVNET.EDU APPENDIX D: Example - IRVL-L Call for Editors CALL FOR EDITORS _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ ISSN (pending) _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL) is a refereed electronic journal published by the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership (RVL). The purpose of the refereed RVL is to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate scholarly thought on visionary leadership. Peer-reviewed articles on visionary leadership by research scholars from multiple disciplines shall be published in the RVL. Special emphasis shall be given to the implications of visionary leadership life for education, culture, the quality of life, and the human condition. [Additional information on the RVL is presented at the end of this note]. Editors are sought for the _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_, including Section Editors, Guest Editors, Consulting Editors, Associate Editors, and Intern/Extern Editors. General qualifications include an academic degree, experience in reviewing submissions to refereed journals, editorial experience with electronic journals, scholarly publication in refereed journals, experience with computer networking (including electronic mail and the use of networking tools), current suitable references or nominations, and verifiability. A Section Editor shall provide leadership and expertise in the preparation of a section of the RVL for each quarterly issue. The Section Editor shall be responsible for receiving submissions, coordinating peer-review, and communication with authors, reviewers, and the Executive Editor. Sections of the RVL may be considered on such topics as vision, alternative paradigms, alternative futures, the creation of culture, strategic thinking, strategic policy, strategic planning, organizational leadership, and evaluation. Please send proposals for sections to the Executive Editor. Guest editors shall take responsibility for special or supplementary sections of the RVL devoted to a particular theme or idea elaborated in several related articles. Responsibilities include the selection of the topic, announcing the special or supplementary issue and call for papers jointly with the Executive Editor, receiving submissions, obtaining peer review by associate editors and other specialized referees, and necessary communication with authors, referees, and the Executive Editor. Please send proposals for guest editorships to the Executive Editor, discussing the general theme and the coordination of the development of the special section. Consulting editors shall provide advice on substantive and/or technical issues about visionary leadership to the Executive Editor as need arises. Associate editors shall be jurors, referees, and readers of submissions for sections of the RVL. An associate editor shall read papers submitted for peer-review, judge the quality of the papers, edit papers, advise the Section Editor about the worthiness of papers reviewed, and recommend whether to publish submitted papers as articles in the RVL. Specific qualifications include experience as an editor, juror, referee, and/or reader and relevant publications. Intern/Extern Editors shall be assistants to the editorial staff for a limited time under the direction of the Executive Editor. 1. Interns must be candidates for graduate degrees from institutions of higher education. The internship may be coordinated with the degree program in cooperation with an institutional mentor. 2. An extern must a current leader in some context. The externship may be coordinated with a professional development program in an institutional context. A preliminary prospectus for the internship or externship should be prepared and sent to the Executive Editor. [Graduate credit for internships and externships may be earned at Marshall University by those who may be interested. Expected activity shall be via computer networking only, but interns or externs may incorporate participation in conferences, symposia, and seminars pertinent to the internship or externship. Inquiries are welcome.] If you are qualified and interested in an editorial role with the RVL, please send an electronic message giving a notification of interest with the following details: 1. Role/position of interest 2. Statement of interest 3. Professional postal address 4. Electronic mail address 5. Academic degree(s) and discipline 6. Computer networking experience 7. Editorial experience 8. Relevant publication(s) 9. References (with titles, postal and electronic addresses) 10. Notifications to be made in case of appointment: a. Chief executive officer b. Professional organization(s) c. Media d. Electronic forum(s)/conference(s) e. Others All notifications of interest shall be screened by the Executive Editor and submitted with recommendations to the Editorial Board for appointments to all roles. All inquiries, proposals, and notifications of interest in editorial roles may be sent by electronic mail to: Dr, Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ BITNET M034050@Marshall Internet <<< Additional information about the RVL >>> 1. The RVL shall be copyrighted and have an ISSN, but authors shall retain copyright to their separate articles and the right to republish in any form subject to an assignment of non-profit rights to the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership. Publication shall be contingent on assignment of rights to: a. Archive and distribute articles via computer networks on a global basis b. Market and distribute computer-based media versions (such as diskettes, CD-ROMS, tapes) c. Convey rights to third parties for: 1) Microfiche and microform versions 2) Indexing and abstracting the RVL 2. The RVL shall publish certain information in every issue, including, for example, publisher, editorial board, editorial requirements, disclaimer, copyright statement, and retrieval/subscription instructions. 3. The RVL shall be archived and distributed in collaboration with IRVL-L and other electronic forums, networked archival systems [for example, anonymous ftp to byrd,mu, /pub/estepp/IRVL/RVLEQ], libraries, and other parties such as ERIC. 4. The RVL shall be issued quarterly commencing as soon as possible. 5. Each issue of the RVL shall be less than 200 type-written pages (400,000 bytes). 6. The official language of the RVL shall be English, but a non-English version of an article may be published in the same volume of the RVL. Translations into other languages for limited issues may be approved by special arrangement. 7. All submissions and communication about manuscripts shall be by electronic mail. 8. Deadlines for the submission of manuscripts shall be the first of the month preceding the next issue. The deadline for the submission of manuscripts for the first issue is November 1, 1993. 9. Acknowledgements of receiving submissions shall be sent to authors via email within 24 hours after receiving an article. 10. Articles shall be less than 50 pages (100,000 bytes) in a recognized form and style modified for ASCII format. The preferred form and style shall be the _APA Publication Manual_, but other forms and styles may be accepted. 11. All manuscripts shall be given at least three blind reviews by a jury of referees. 12. Authors shall be notified within thirty days after receiving their manuscripts of the disposition of the manuscript. 13. Collaboration with organized groups and professional organizations shall be sought. 14. As soon as possible, alternatives to ASCII, such as postscript, shall be considered for formatting versions of the RVL. 15. The RVL is an electronic journal and shall not be issued in a print version, but it may, of course, be made available in printed form by libraries and other institutions as a public service. 16. The RVL as such shall be distributed as a public service, free of charge via networked archives over world-wide computer networks if that service is in turn freely available. Commercial distribution for profit is prohibited. ________________________________ _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ ISSN (pending) PUBLISHER Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership Marshall University Huntington, WV 25755-2440 EDITORIAL BOARD Founder and Executive Editor Dr. Ermel Stepp, Marshall University Section Editors (volunteers invited) Consulting Editors (volunteers invited) Associate Editors (volunteers invited) APPENDIX F: Example - MERTON-L Call for Articles CALL FOR ARTICLES _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RCL) ISSN pending The RCL seeks original articles on contemplative life from scholars and practitioners in multiple contemplative traditions, disciplines, professions, and cultures. Original articles may be on a wide array of issues and topics, including description, explanation, analysis, evaluation, and research. <<< information about the RCL >>> 1. The _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RCL) is a refereed scholarly journal, with a rigorous peer-review process. 2. The official language of the RCL shall be English. 3. Manuscripts may be prepared in any standard form and style, such as APA, but modified to ASCII format and limited to sixty spaces from the left margin. 4. Articles shall be 1650 lines or less (maximum of 50,000 bytes), including notes and references. Longer manuscripts may be organized as a series of two or more articles. 5. All submissions and communication about manuscripts shall be by electronic mail or file transfer. 6. Manuscripts may be submitted anytime by email or file transfer, but the standing deadline for the submission of manuscripts shall be the first of the month preceding the month of the next issue. ***** The deadline for the *premier* issue of the RCL shall be October 1, 1993, not September 1. ***** Publication Schedule and Deadlines Issue Deadline October 20 September 1 January 20 December 1 April 20 March 1 July 20 June 1 7. All manuscripts shall be given at least three blind reviews by a jury of referees. 8. Authors shall be notified via email within thirty days after receiving any manuscript of the disposition of the manuscript. 9. Each issue of the RCL shall be less than 400 Kbytes. 10. The RCL shall be issued on the 20th day of October, January, April, and July. 11. The RCL shall be distributed in collaboration with existing electronic forums, networked archival systems, and libraries. 12. The copyright of each article published in the _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RCL) is retained by the contributing author. Authors, therefore, are free to republish or otherwise distribute such articles. However, an author assigns certain rights to RCL for any article published in the RCL, including the rights: a. To be credited as first publisher in any republication or distribution of the article, b. To publish, archive, and distribute the article in any and all forms of media, and c. To further convey rights to third parties for the purposes of indexing and/or abstracting the RCL. 13. The _Research on Contemplative Life: An Electronic Quarterly_(RCL) is published by The Merton Research Institute, Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia. <<< Submissions >>> Submit manuscripts by electronic mail or file transfer to: Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _Research on Contemplative Life_ BITNET M034050@Marshall Internet [If interested, contact the Executive Editor about an editorial role with RCL.] <<< Subscription >>> Anyone who subscribes to MERTON-L, the forum for research on contemplative life, is an automatic subscriber to the RCL. To subscribe to MERTON-L send email to listserv@byrd, with the one line of text: subscribe MERTON-L YourFullName Example: subscribe MERTON-L Thomas Merton Those who may not want to participate in the electronic forum on contemplative life may subscribe and set mail to postpone and still have access to the listserv archive. To set MERTON-L to postpone or no mail, send email to with the sole line of text: set merton-l mail postpone Subscribers who postpone mail may receive periodic announcements of the release and availability of issues of the RCL: Send email to with only the subject line: subscribe RCL YourFullName Example: subscribe RCL Thomas Merton <<< RCL Archives >>> Private listserv and anonymous FTP archives of the RCL shall be maintained, and full retrieval instructions shall be included in all periodical announcements of issues of the RCL. Related information is currently available via anonymous ftp, using your choice of GET command in the retrieval procedure. Retrieval Procedure: ftp login anonymous password: your electronic address cd /pub/merton get get MERTON.INDEX cd /pub/merton/RCLEQ get get (This file: Call for articles) quit Further instructions for the retrieval of specific articles and issues are provided in the RCL.archive.index and MERTON.INDEX. ________________________________________________________ _RESEARCH ON CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY_ ISSN pending PUBLISHER The Merton Research Institute Marshall University Huntington, WV 25755-2440 EDITORIAL BOARD Ermel Stepp Founder and Executive Editor estepp@byrd, Contemplative Adviser Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Abbey of Gethsemani Consulting Editors (volunteers invited) Dr. Robert Daggy Director, International Thomas Merton Society Editor, _The Merton Seasonal_ Section Editors (volunteers invited) EDITORIAL STAFF Associate Editors (volunteers invited) Dr. Alan Altany Department of Religious Studies Marshall University Extern/Intern Editors (volunteers invited) APPENDIX E: Example - IRVL-L Appointment of Editor Your appointment to be a consulting editor with the _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ has been approved, subject to your acceptance of the role. Please inform me of your acceptance or rejection of the role. Consulting editors provide advice on substantive and/or technical issues about visionary leadership to the Executive Editor as need arises. I may need to consult with you about conflicting opinions in peer-review and other editorial issues. I would appreciate any other input, advice, counsel, recommendations, suggestions, and contributions in this venture that your expertise, time, and situation may permit. Your professional opinion will be highly regarded. I invite you to: 1. Nominate research scholars in multiple disciplines, professions, and cultures who have an interest in visionary leadership to become editors for the RVL. 2. Invite research scholars in multiple disciplines, professions, and cultures to submit manuscripts on visionary leadership to RVL. 3. Participate in the peer-review process. 4. Submit your own manuscripts to RVL. I will provide you with a packet of information for your files after I receive your note of acceptance. The packet will include a copy of the call for editors, call for articles, authors' guidelines, and a description of the peer-review process. You may distribute this information at your discretion. I look forward to our collaboration in making this venture rewarding, productive, and successful. Thank you for the interest that you have expressed in the RVL. Ermel Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _Research on Visionary Leadership_ Internet BITNET M034050@Marshall APPENDIX G: Example - IRVL-L Authors' Guidelines _RESEARCH ON VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY_ Editorial Guidelines The _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL) is a refereed journal, ISSN pending, that fosters, encourages, advances, and communicates scholarly thought on visionary leadership. Articles are sought from scholars and practitioners in multiple arenas, disciplines, professions, and cultures. Articles may pertain to a wide array of issues and topics, including visionary leadership styles of major institutional leaders, futures, strategic policy, and strategic planning, with emphases such as description, explanation, analysis, evaluation, or research. Form and Style Manuscripts may be prepared in any standard form and style, then edited to RVL's standard. 1. Start with a centered title-block including the title in capital letters, two blank lines, and information on author --name of author, institutional affiliation of author, and electronic mail address of author on separate lines in that order. Repeat the procedure for information on each additional author, skipping one line between information for each author. Insert two blank lines after entering all information on the author(s). 2. Include an abstract of the article after the title-block. Start with the centered word: Abstract. Skip two lines and write the abstract. Skip one line. 3. Begin the article with a center head, and use other appropriate subdivisional headings, center heads and side heads, with one blank line before and after each heading. Use no paragraph indentations. Insert one blank line between paragraphs. 4. Edit all lines such that no line exceeds 60 spaces from the left margin. 5. Give appropriate citations, notes, and references, consistent with the form and style chosen. 6. Include, as the last entry, a section with the center head: Author or Authors. Include a short paragraph about each author, staring with the author's name. 7. Limit each article to 1650 lines or less (maximum of 50 Kbytes). Longer manuscripts may be placed in a series of two or more articles. 8. Convert the document file to ASCII format to submit it, if it is prepared using some other formatting code. RCL Archives Other information on the RVL is available via anonymous ftp to in /pub/estepp/IRVL/RVLEQ. Submission A journal article manuscript may be submitted at any time to the RVL for peer-review by RVL editorial staff. Acknowledgement of the arrival of any submitted article shall be sent by email within 24 hours of arrival. Notification of acceptance or rejection shall be sent by email within 30 days of arrival. Submissions are acceptable only by electronic mail or file transfer in ASCII format. Submit manuscripts to: Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _RESEARCH ON VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY_ Internet BITNET M034050@MARSHALL APPENDIX H: Example - Peer-Review Policy ________________________________________________________________ RESEARCH ON VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY ________________________________________________________________ ISSN pending Volume # Issue # Announcement ________________________________________________________________ THE PEER REVIEW PROCESS: GENERAL POLICY AND PLAN FOR ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION This document states the general policy and plan for the organization and operation of the peer review process of the _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL). The primary functions and tasks are delineated in the following sections: 1.0 General Overview 2.0 Functions of the Editorial Board 2.1 Executive Editor 2.2 Consulting Editors 2.3 Section Editors 3.0 Functions of the Editorial Staff 3.1 Associate Editors 3.2 Extern/Intern Editors 4.0 Functions of Guest/Special Issue Editors 5.0 General information 5.1 Publication Schedule 5.2 Submissions 5.3 Archives 5.4 Subscription 5,5 Development 5.8 Copyright 5.7 Publisher 1.0 General Overview _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL) is refereed electronic journal. The purpose of the refereed journal is to foster, encourage, advance and communicate scholarly thought on visionary leadership. Original manuscripts on visionary leadership life are invited from scholars and practitioners in multiple arenas, discipline, professions, and cultures. The focus of a manuscript may be on substantive topics, such as strategic policy, strategic planning, organizational leadership, or the implications of visionary leadership for education, culture, the quality of life, and/or the human condition. Topics may be presented from different perspectives and alternative paradigms within and across multiple disciplines, such as description, explanation, analysis, evaluation, or research. 1. The _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL) is a refereed scholarly journal, with a rigorous peer-review process. 2. RVL observes the canons of optimal flexibility, maximal functional standardization, minimal hyperstandardization, and quality scholarship. 3. The RVL shall issue articles as units and in sets, commencing on November 10, 1993, with volume numbers, issue numbers, supplement numbers and thread/theme/serial codes where applicable, and networked archival access and retrieval procedures. 4. information published in every issue shall include publisher, editorial board and staff, editorial guidelines, disclaimer, copyright statement, submission, subscription, and archival access and retrieval procedures. 5. The RVL shall seek quality manuscripts with substantial ideas from beginning authors to well established authors. 6. Each issue of the RVL shall be less than 200 type-written pages (400,000 bytes). 7. The official language of the RVL shall be English, but a non-English version of an article may be published in the same volume of the RVL. Translations into other languages for limited issues may be approved by special arrangement. 8. The collaboration of organized groups and professional organizations shall be encouraged. 9. No subscription fee for the RVL is contemplated, and no one is authorized to sell it under any circumstances. 10. The RVL is an electronic journal and shall not be issued in a print version, but it may be made available in various media, such as microfiche and print, by libraries and other institutions as a public service. 2.0 Editorial Board The functions, tasks, role responsibilities, and schedules in the editorial process must be unambiguous, with minimal uncertainty, about any activity/task, relative to what, when, where, and by whom. The Editorial Board consists of an Executive Editor, consulting editors, and section editors. 2.1 Executive Editor The Executive Editor shall provide the general leadership for the RVL, the creation and development of the character and dynamics of the culture of the RVL: 1. Communication with authors: a. Issue calls for articles. b. Articles shall be less than 25 pages (50,000 bytes) in a recognized form and style modified for ASCII format. The preferred form and style shall be the _APA Publication Manual_, but other forms and styles shall be acceptable. RVL shall use multiple forms and styles, flexible among articles but consistent within any given article. Each contribution shall conform to the minimal form of the current RVL "Authors` Guidelines". Numbered paragraphs and pages and internal/in-text citation is preferred. Manuscripts shall be prepared and submitted by the author(s) in "camera ready form", not requiring major editorial modification for publication. c. Send acknowledgement to authors that submissions have been received for peer review. A copy of the current policy and plan on the peer review process shall be appended to the notice for the author(s)' information. d. Reject manuscripts not clearly about visionary leadership. e. Author(s) shall be notified within 30 days after receiving their manuscript of the disposition of the manuscript. . Provide authors' copies of review comments, with instructions about further development and appropriate contacts. If revision is recommended, the author(s) shall be asked to do so expeditiously. . Author(s) shall complete any revision based on reviewers' comments as soon as possible. . Author(s) shall forward the revised draft to the Executive Editor or Section Editor as instructed. . The cycle of revision/resubmission may be repeated twice to nurture promising articles to acceptance; otherwise, manuscripts shall be rejected if not promising or satisfactory progress is not evident based on responsiveness or adequacy of revision. 2. Editorial recruitment, appointment, collaboration, and coordination. a. Recruit and call for editors: . Issue calls for editors. . Establish editors' specialization/expertise/interests. b. Appointment of editors: . Review applications for editorship, . Refuse appointments based on criteria in application, . Recommend appointments to the Editorial Board, and . Notify applicants of appointments or refusals c. Collaboration and coordination: . Oversee the peer review process and guarantee the integrity of the process with regard to substantive quality and editorial standards, in collaboration with the editorial board and the editorial staff. . Manage and coordinate the flow of work and communication of editors: Consulting, Section, Associate, Externs, Interns, and Guest/Special Issue Editors. . Notification of submissions to ALL editors. . Disseminate abstracts to ALL editors, with reference to theme/strand, including the provision of instructions for the retrieval of manuscripts. . Receive notice of intention to review articles from editors. . Coordination to protect the anonymity of authors and reviewers. . At least three affirmative reviews by qualified reviewers, including *qualified* external reviewers (who shall be solicited for manuscripts on selected issues and topics and expected to meet the same criteria of appointment as associate editors of the RVL) shall be required for publication. . Coordinate peer review/referee recycling drafts of manuscripts. 2. Create and maintain archives in globally networked computer information systems to facilitate world-wide access, retrieval, and distribution of the RVL. Archive articles, reviews of articles, revised drafts, sections, and total issues of the RVL, and post archival announcements to editors. 3. Authorization for publication: a. Give final authorization for publication of any article. b. Give final authorization for publication of any issue. 2.2 Consulting Editors Consulting editors shall provide to the Executive Editor and Section Editors consultation and advice on substantive issues on visionary leadership and/or technical issues and the resolution of conflicts of editorial opinion as need arises on the basis of being a scholar-writer on visionary leadership. 2.3 Section Editors The RVL may have several sections on such topics as strategic policy, strategic planning, organizational leadership, instrumentation, reviews and critiques, commentary, news, or resources. Each section shall be coordinated by a Section Editor, who may elect to form a team of associate editors-- colleagues with individual responsibilities for different components in the section. A Section Editor shall provide leadership and expertise in the preparation of a section of the RVL for each quarterly issue, in collaboration with the Executive Editor. The section editor shall formulate of a Plan of Operation for conducting the editorial process relative to the specific section, consistent with the General Plan of Operation (this document), in collaboration with a section team of associate editors. The Plan of Operation should provide for: 1. Integration of the section into the RVL, including full collaboration and cooperation with the Executive Director. 2. Procurement of contributions and information pertinent to the edited section, with the cooperation of contributing editors. 3. Editorial coordination of the section: a. Identification and description of subsections b. Formation of a collegial team of associate editors to produce the section: . Assign role responsibilities to associate editors for subsections. . Secure reviewers to referee articles, if the section is to be peer reviewed, and assure conformity with the RVL "Authors' Guidelines". . Receive peer reviews, contributions, and content for any unrefereed subsections. . Provide peer reviews to authors. . Submit peer reviews to the Executive Editor. 4. Communication with authors, associated editors, guest editors of special issues, and the Executive Editor to facilitate the peer-review process including the revision of manuscripts to reflect editorial opinions in an expeditious manner. 5. Timely submission of sections in "archive-ready form" ["camera-ready form"] for publication in an issue of the RVL three days before scheduled dates of publication. The Plan of Operation for the section shall be filed with the Executive Director who shall append it to the General Plan of Operation and place it in the archives for retrieval via anonymous ftp. 3.0 Editorial Staff 3.1 Associate Editors Associate editors shall be jurors/referees/readers for sections of the RVL. An associate editor shall: 1. Receive notice of the submitted manuscripts, including abstracts and retrieval instructions. 2. Elect to review submissions and read submitted papers. 3. Review submitted manuscript (two weeks for review, one week for reviewers to consult). 4. Guarantee quality and conformity with minimal requirements of the RVL "Author's Guidelines", using highly selective and demanding standards of judgment. 5. Edit papers submitted for blind review; critique submissions giving specific analysis of strengths and weaknesses. 6. Judge the overall quality of papers submitted for blind review. 7. Communicate to the Section Editor, if the manuscript is allocated to one, or the Executive Editor otherwise an editorial opinion, including: a. Appropriateness of the manuscript for publication in the RVL b. Critique of strengths and weaknesses c. Recommendations for improvement of the manuscript d. Overall judgment of the worthiness of the manuscript e. Recommendation to publish or not to publish the manuscript as an article in the RVL 3.2 Extern/Intern Editors Intern/Extern Editors may participate in the peer review process and other aspects of the RVL under the general direction of the Executive Editor with the special supervision of cooperating editors of the RVL. Such participation shall be delineated in a Personal Plan for an Externship or Internship which shall be formulated by the extern/intern with the advise and consent of an institutional/organizational mentor, the Executive Director, and cooperating editors of the RVL. 4.0 Guest/Special Issue Editors Special issue editors shall provide leadership for special or supplementary issues of the journal devoted to a particular theme or idea. The guest editor shall formulate a plan of operations for the special issue that is consistent with the policy and plan of operations of the RVL in general and any relevant section in particular. The plan for the special issue shall be drafted in cooperation with appropriate section editors and the Executive Editor. 5.0 General information 5.1 Publication Schedule The journal shall be issued quarterly commencing as soon as possible. The premier issue of the RVL shall be on November 10, 1993, and the deadline for submissions to the premier issue shall be October 10, 1993. Regular Publication Schedule and Deadlines Issue Deadline November 10 October 1 February 10 January 1 May 10 April 1 August 10 July 1 5.2 Submissions Manuscripts may be submitted anytime, but the standing deadline for the submission of manuscripts shall be the first of the month preceding the month of the next issue. Only submissions via electronic mail or file transfer are acceptable. Send submissions to: Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _Research on Visionary Leadership_ BITNET M034050@Marshall Internet 5.3 Archives Private listserv and anonymous FTP archives of the RVL shall be maintained, and full retrieval instructions shall be included in all periodical announcements of issues of the RVL. Related information is currently available via anonymous ftp, using chosen commands in the retrieval procedure. 1. The journal shall be archived and distributed in collaboration with IRVL-L and other globally networked archival systems [e.g.; LISTSERV, multiple FTP sites gopherspace, WAIS, and Usenet [also, World-Wide-Web. 2. The table of contents (TOC) of each issue of the RVL shall be distributed world-wide via computer networked forums and journals. Instructions for the retrieval of each RVL document, file, object, including a cumulative table of contents by authors/titles, abstracts, full text of articles, and sets of articles shall be systematically disseminated via systematic postings and announcements. 3. The RVL shall be distributed in collaboration with existing electronic forums, networked archival systems, and libraries. 4. The RVL as such shall be distributed as a public service, free of charge via networked archives over world-wide computer networks if that service is in turn freely available. Commercial distribution for profit is prohibited. Retrieval Procedure: ftp login anonymous password: your electronic address cd /pub/estepp/IRVL get IRVL.ARCHIVES get irvl-l.information cd /pub/estepp/IRVL/RVLEQ get RVL.announcement.current get get get get RVL.general.toc quit Instructions for the retrieval of specific articles and issues shall be provided in the IRVL.ARCHIVES. 5.4 Subscription Anyone who subscribes to irvl-l, the forum for research on visionary leadership, is an automatic subscriber to the RVL. To subscribe to irvl-l send email to listserv@byrd, with the one line of text: subscribe IRVL-L YourFullName Example: subscribe IRVL-L Thomas Jefferson Announcements of the availability of issues of the RVL shall be posted to IRVL-L on a regular basis. Those who may not want to participate in the electronic forum on visionary leadership may subscribe and set mail to postpone and still have access to the listserv archive. To set irvl-l to postpone or no mail, send email to with the sole line of text: set IRVL-L mail postpone information on the current issue of the RVL may be retrieved by sending an email message to with the sole line of text: get IRVL-L information Also, the information shall be posted to the ftp archive and may be retrieved via anonymous ftp as described earlier. 5.5 Development Several current developmental issues include: 1. Promotional vendors 2. Alternatives to ASCII, such as postscript and/or SGML 3. Multicontinental distribution of RVL via FAX, anonymous ftp, WAIS, gopher, and WWW 4. Indexing and abstracting 5. The endorsement, sponsorship, and collaboration of organized groups and professional organizations 6. Clerical arrangements 5.6 Copyright Each article published in the _Research on Visionary Leadership: An Electronic Quarterly_ (RVL) is the intellectual property of the author(s). The author(s) retain the copyright to any and all published articles. Authors, therefore, are free to republish or otherwise distribute such articles. However, an author assigns co-owner rights to RVL for unrestricted and independent use of any article published in the RVL, including the rights: 1. To be credited as first publisher in any republication or distribution of the article within five years after publication, with proper bibliographic citation giving author attribution, date, article title, full name of the RVL, and electronic retrieval instructions, 2. To archive, publish, market, and distribute the article in any and all forms of media, specifically including computer networks on a global basis, computer-based media versions (such as diskettes, CD-ROMS, tapes), and printed versions in books, occasional single articles, and other collections, and 3. To further convey rights to third parties "to archive, publish, market, and distribute the article in any and all forms of media" as provided in section 7.2b above and to indexing and abstract the RVL. The RVL may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-profit use for the purposes of education, research, library reference, or stored and/or distributed as a public service via any networked computer system archive provided that all references to RVL remain in tact. Written permission from the author or the Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership must be obtained for any commercial use of this journal in whole or in part by any means. 5.7 Publisher Institute for Research on Visionary Leadership Marshall University Huntington, WV 25755-2440 Ermel Stepp Executive Editor _RESEARCH ON VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY_ Internet BITNET M034050@MARSHALL APPENDIX I: Example - IRVL-L Listserv Index (Listserv) Archive: irvl-l (path: listserver/irvl-l) -- Files: irvl-l.jul.93 (1 part, 460 bytes) -- IRVL-L digest 1 irvl-l.aug.93 (1 part, 91689 bytes) -- IRVL-L digest 2 irvl-l.sep.93 (1 part, 44877 bytes) -- IRVL-L digest 11 APPENDIX J: Example - EJVC Archive Index (ftp) ARCHIVES OF THE _ELECTRONIC JOURNAL ON VIRTUAL CULTURE_ ISSN 1068 5723 The Arachnet Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture is published by Arachnet. Virtual culture is computer-mediated human electronic mail, conferences, and journals; information distribution /retrieval; the construction and visualization of images /representations/models of reality and/or worlds; and global connectivity. The purpose of the refereed journal is to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate scholarly thought, (including analysis, evaluation, and research) in multiple disciplines about virtual culture. FTP and LISTSERV archives of the EJVC are maintained. The archives of the EJVC may be accessed by anonymous FTP and by email or interactive commands. __________________________ Anonymous FTP Instructions __________________________ ftp login anonymous password: user's electronic address cd /pub/ejvc get EJVC.INDEX.FTP get filename (where filename = exact name of file in INDEX) quit ____________________________ EJVC Anonymous FTP Directory ____________________________ BERGE.V1N3 Computer Conferencing and Online Education BURNETT.V1N2 Scholar's Rhizome CHANDLER.V1N3 A Way Forward to Teach and Learn ... EJVC.EDITORS List of EJVC editors EJVC.INDEX.FTP INDEX of EJVC FTP Archive EJVC.welcome welcome message to subscribers to EJVC-L EJVCV1N1.CONTENTS Table of Contents for EJVC V1N1 EJVCV1N1.MONITOR Cyberspace Monitor for EJVC V1N4 EJVCV1N1.PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N1 EJVCV1N2.CONTENTS Table of Contents for EJVC V1N2 EJVCV1N2.MONITOR Cyberspace Monitor for EJVC V1N2 EJVCV1N2.PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N2 EJVCV1N3.CONTENTS Table of Contents for EJVC V1N3 EJVCV1N3.PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N3 EJVCV1N4.CONTENTS Table of Contents for EJVC V1N4 EJVCV1N4.MONITOR Cyberspace Monitor for EJVC V1N4 EJVCV1N4. PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N4 EJVCV1N5.CONTENTS Table of Contents of EJVC V1N5 EJVCV1N5.MONITOR Cyberspace Monitor for V1N5 EJVCV1N5.PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N5 EJVCV1N6.CONTENTS Table of Contents of EJVC V1N6 EJVCV1N6.PACKAGE Entire issue of EJVC V1N6 EJVCV1N6.MONITOR Cyberspace Monitor for EJVC V1N6 LEMKE.V1N1 Cyberspace, Education, and Change LETTER.V1N2 Letter from the Editors, EJVC V1N2 PALME.V1N4 Legal and Ethical Aspects SCHEIDL.V1N4 Designing BBS ... SHANK.V1N1 Abduction and Multiloguing STEPP.V1N6 Virtualization of Research Institutes SQARV1N4.COATE Cyberspace Inkeeping SQARV1N4.HART The Rate of Change ... SQARV1N5.BLYSTONE Building a School without Walls SQARV1N5.HART Stereographic Lithography SQARV1N5.WEIBEL Mime and the Future of Internet Journals SQARV1N6.HART Call for articles for EJVC EJVC guidelines for authors cyberspace.monitor Cyberspace Monitor dynamics.call4art Jay Lemke's call for articles dynamics.issue FYI on Jay Lemke's special issue of EJVC Call for editors for EJVC editors.ejvc Current EJVC editors ejvc.newlist Announcement of EJVC-L ejvc.synthesis Synthesis of EJVC planning conference notice.of.interest Notice of interest in EJVC editor's role _______________________________ LISTSERV Retrieval Instructions _______________________________ Send e-mail addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU Leave the subject line empty. The message must read: Index EJVC-L Use this file to identify particular articles or sections then send e-mail to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU with the command: GET where is the name of the article or section (e.g., author name) and is the V#N# of that issue of EJVC _______________ EJVC-L FILELIST _______________ * rec last - change * filename filetype GET PUT -fm lrecl nrecs date time File description EJVC-L Welcome ALL OWN V 71 330 93/07/06 17:54:46 . EJVC AUTHORS ALL OWN V 58 60 93/04/20 20:24:43 . EJVCV1N1 CONTENTS ALL OWN V 74 192 93/03/22 16:27:49 . EJVCV1N1 $PACKAGE ALL OWN F 80 6 93/03/20 20:59:48 . EJVCV1N2 CONTENTS ALL OWN V 74 152 93/04/21 18:33:15 . EJVCV1N2 $PACKAGE ALL OWN F 80 6 93/05/01 13:27:53 . LEMKE V1N1 ALL OWN V 74 1140 93/03/22 09:33:53 . SHANK V1N1 ALL OWN V 74 797 93/03/22 09:33:40 . EJVCV1N1 MONITOR All OWN V 78 2205 93/03/24 16:04:42 . BURNETT V1N2 ALL OWN V 74 967 93/04/20 19:10:20 . LETTER V1N2 ALL OWN V 66 39 93/04/21 17:34:57 . EJVCV1N2 MONITOR ALL OWN V 79 3580 93/05/01 13:18:30 . EJVCV1N3 CONTENTS ALL OWN V 75 178 93/05/22 18:44:15 . EJVCV1N3 $PACKAGE ALL OWN F 80 5 93/05/21 01:00:23 . BERGE V1N3 ALL OWN V 74 1354 93/05/21 00:59:59 . CHANDLER V1N3 ALL OWN V 74 1326 93/05/21 01:00:07 . EJVCV1N4 $PACKAGE ALL OWN F 80 8 93/07/10 16:53:31 . EJVCV1N4 CONTENTS ALL OWN V 74 264 93/07/06 19:38:22 . EJVCV1N4 MONITOR ALL OWN V 78 2261 93/07/06 20:06:29 . PALME V1N4 ALL OWN V 75 982 93/07/10 16:53:24 . SCHEIDL V1N4 ALL OWN V 74 630 93/07/10 16:53:37 . SQARV1N4 HART ALL OWN V 74 731 93/07/06 19:39:51 . SQARV1N4 COATE ALL OWN V 74 1455 93/07/07 02:34:00 . EJVCV1N5 CONTENTS ALL OWN V 74 227 93/08/29 11:07:30 . EJVCV1N5 $PACKAGE ALL OWN F 80 10 93/08/23 23:06:29 . KOVACS1 V1N5 ALL OWN V 74 972 93/08/24 21:43:47 . KOVACS2 V1N5 ALL OWN V 74 1070 93/08/24 21:43:54 . SQARV1N5 WEIBEL ALL OWN V 76 408 93/08/24 21:45:07 . SQARV1N5 BLYSTONE ALL OWN V 74 331 93/08/24 21:45:39 . SQARV1N5 HART ALL OWN V 74 378 93/08/23 23:03:56 . EJVCV1N6 CONTENTS EJVCV1N6 $PACKAGE EJVCV1N6 MONITOR STEPP V1N6 SQARV1N6 HART ______________________________ Submission of Articles to EJVC ______________________________ Prospective articles may be submitted to the EJVC by email or sendfile (or send/file) to the Editor-in-Chief or the Co-Editor. Ermel Stepp Editor-in-Chief Internet M034050@MARSHALL.WVNET.EDU BITNET M034050@MARSHALL Diane Kovacs Co-Editor Internet DKOVACS@KENTVM.KENT.EDU BITNET DKOVACS@KENTVM _______________________ *Copyright Declaration* _______________________ Copyright of articles published by Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture is held by the author of a given article. If an article is re-published elsewhere it must include a statement that it was originally published by Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture. _________________ EJVC Subscription _________________ Send e-mail to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU with no other lines in the heading and the following sole line of text: subscribe EJVC-L YourFullName YourFullName is your real name. APPENDIX K: Example - RCLEQ Table of Contents (TOC) ________________________________________________________________ RESEARCH ON CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE: AN ELECTRONIC QUARTERLY ________________________________________________________________ ISSN pending Volume # Isuue # Announcement ________________________________________________________________ GENERAL PRELIMINARY TOC (TABLE OF CONTENTS) 1.0 REFEREED ARTICLES The TOC shall include a list of peer reviewed articles and the abstracts of those articles in the current issue of the RCL. An archive name, in the form RCLV#N#.AUTHOR, shall be given for the retrieval of each article. The TOC shall be distributed via computer networked forums and journals. Articles may be about an array of issues and themes about contemplative life, such as description, analysis, evaluation, and research. Authors and volunteers for editorial roles may contact 2.0 REVIEWS AND CRITIQUES The TOC shall list reviews of books and critiques journal articles (including those in the RCL), videos, and audio tapes about contemplative life in the current issue of the RCL. An archive name shall be given in the form for the retrieval of the reviews and critique section. Authors shall be given credit by-lines for each submission. Those persons interested in serving as section editor for reviews and critiques may contact Reviews and critiques may be submitted to 3.0 COMMENTARY ON CONTEMPLATIVE WAYS AND DIALOGUE The TOC shall include a list of commentaries on contemplative life and dialogue in the current issue of the RCL on topics and themes such as: . Religious Traditions of Contemplation . Monastic Orders . Specific Monasteries . Personal Monastic Retreats . Lay Organizations and Groups . International Thomas Merton Society . Various Secular Forms of Contemplation . Current Interfaith Dialogue . Interviews of Contemplatives . Conversations with Contemplatives . Merton-l Discourse . Summary of dialogue . Consolidation of selected threads . Expanded commentary on selected threads . Conferences . Others Authors shall be given credit by-lines for each submission. An archive name shall be given in the form RCLV#N#.commentary shall be given for the retrieval of the commentary section. Those persons interested in serving as section editor for commentaries and related topics may contact Commentaries may be submitted to 4.0 NEWS ON CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE AND RELATED TOPICS The TOC shall include a list of news on contemplative life and related topics in the current issue of the RCL on items and stories such as: . Personals . Religious Traditions of Contemplation . Secular Forms of Contemplation . Monastic Orders . Specific Monasteries . Monastic Retreats . Seminaries, Universities, and Colleges . Lay Organizations and Groups . International Thomas Merton Society . Current Interfaith Dialogue . Conferences . Announcements and Events Reporters shall be given credit by-lines for each submission. An archive name shall be given in the form for retrieval of the news section. Those persons having news to report or interested in serving as editor for this section of news on contemplative life and related topics may contact Submissions of news and related topics may be sent to 5.0 infoRMATION ON CONTEMPLATIVE LIFE The RCL shall include information relevant to contemplative life on topics such as: . Update on Resources for Contemplation . Bardstown Art Gallery . Snow Lion . Spiritual Life Institute . Publications . Video and Audio Casettes . Syllabi of Courses . Bibliography and References . Study Opportunities . Seminaries . Monastic Retreats and Conferences . Institutions of Higher Education . Universities . Colleges . The Merton Research Institute . The Merton Research Consortium . Merton-l . RCL Reporters shall be given credit by-lines for each submission. An archive name shall be given in the form RCLV#N#.information for retrieval of the information section. Those persons having news to report or interested in serving as editor for this section on information on contemplative life may contact Submissions of information may be sent to 6.0 RETRIEVAL PROCEDURE The procedure shall be given to access the archive and retrieve the general index of the archive and each article and section of the current issue of the RCL. ftp login anonymous password: your network email address cd /pub/merton/RCLEQ get RCLEQ.archive.index quit EDITORIAL STAFF Interns/Externs Associate Editors EDITORIAL BOARD Section Editors Consulting Editors Robert Daggy, Ph. D. Director, International Thomas Merton Society Contemplative Adviser Patrick Hart, O.C.S.O. Abbey of Gethsemani Executive Editor Dr. Ermel Stepp PUBLISHER The Merton Research Institute Marshall University Huntington, West Virginia 25755-2440 Author information Dr. Ermel Stepp is a professor of educational administration at Marshall University. He is the executive director of three research institutes; listowner of five electronic forums; editor-in-chief of one electronic journal and the executive editor of two other electronic journals; and network archivist of research documents. He is the chairperson of numerous doctoral dissertation committees, and he is a statistical research consultant. He received the Ed.D. from West Virginia University in 1971. _____ Articles and Sections of this issue of the _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_ may be retrieved via anonymous ftp to or via e-mail message addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU (instructions below) Papers may be submitted at anytime by email or send/file to: Ermel Stepp - Editor-in-Chief, _Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture_ M034050@MARSHALL.WVNET.EDU _________________________________ *Copyright Declaration* Copyright of articles published by Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture is held by the author of a given article. If an article is re-published elsewhere it must include a statement that it was originally published by Electronic Journal on Virtual Culture. The EJVC Editors reserve the right to maintain permanent archival copies of all submissions and to provide print copies to appropriate indexing services for for indexing and microforming. _________________________________ _________________________________ _THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL ON VIRTUAL CULTURE_ ISSN 1068-5327 Ermel Stepp, Marshall University, Editor-in-Chief Diane (Di) Kovacs, Kent State University, Co-Editor ____________________________ GOPHER Instructions ____________________________ GOPHER to 70 ____________________________ Anonymous FTP Instructions ____________________________ ftp login anonymous password: users' electronic address cd /pub/ejvc type EJVC.INDEX.FTP get filename (where filename = exact name of file in INDEX) quit LISTSERV Retrieval Instructions _______________________________ Send e-mail addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM (Bitnet) or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU Leave the subject line empty. The message must read: GET EJVCV1N6 CONTENTS Use this file to identify particular articles or sections then send e-mail to LISTSERV@KENTVM or LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU with the command: GET where is the name of the article or section (e.g., author name) and is the V#N# of that issue of EJVC