110758     REVISE: A Scanner for RT-11 Device Directories  Version:
V1.0, September 1984
Submitted by: Dr. Peter A. Stockwell, University of Otago, Dunedin,
New Zealand
Operating System: RT-11  Source Language: PASCAL  Memory Required:
28KW or less  Keywords: File Management, Utilities - RT-11
Abstract: REVISE scans through RT-11 device directories for files
matching given wildcard specifications and gives the
user the option of inspecting or deleting each file in
turn. It provides a straight-forward method for
examining a whole series of files and deleting those
which are no longer of interest. This function is
particularly useful for clearing up an accumulation of
out-dated or garbage files on larger RT-11 volumes.
REVISE is largely based in concept on the REV program
for DECSYSTEM-10/20 (DECUS No. 10-289) but lacks some of
the more sophisticated features of the latter (i.e. no
rename or back functions).
The sources for REVISE contain a wild card string
matching Pascal function and contain Pascal definitions
of RT-11 directory structure with routines for opening a
given directory and scanning successive entries. They
also contain a Pascal routine for converting RT-11
directory date entries into DD-Mmm-YY format.
Restrictions: Sources make use of features specific to Oregon Software
PASCAL-2 V2.1 or later.
Media (Service Charge Code): Write-Up (AA), One RX01 Diskette (KA)
Format: RT-11, 600' Magnetic Tape (MA)  Format: RT-11

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Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com>
Created: December 26, 1998