110830     KERMIT-11 for Micro/RSTS/E and RT-11  Version: V3.50, April
Submitted by: Brian Nelson, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Operating System: PRO/RT-11 V5.X, RSTS/E V9.X, RT-11 V5  Source
Language: MACRO-11  Memory Required: 20-40KW  Keywords: Data
Communications, KERMIT, Utilities - RSTS/E, Utilities - RT-11
Abstract: KERMIT-11 for RSTS/E and RT-11 on the MicroPDP-11 allow for
standard form of file transfer from these systems to about
120 other implementations of KERMIT on other systems,
including the PDP-11, VAX and DECSYSTEM-10/20.
The RT-11 version can use the XC: handler on PRO/RT11, the
XL: handler on the MicroPDP-11 and also multiple terminal
service on the MicroPDP-11 for connecting out to other systems.
The RSTS/E version uses the standard terminal driver, and
runs on both V8 and V9 of RSTS/E.
Documentation is K11INS.DOC and in the online help file,
K11HLP.HLP.  The distribution is on a RT-11 format RX50,
easily readable on RT-11 with copy and on RSTS/E with FIT.
The complete KERMIT-11 distribution is DECUS No. 11-731 which
is available on magtape.
Changes and Improvements: Many, added dial command, see user guide,
also 11-731.
Restrictions: XM for RT only.  FB won't fit.
Sources not included.
Media (Service Charge Code): One RX50 Diskette (JA)  Format: RT-11

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Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com>
Created: December 26, 1998