11S090       Symposium Collection from the RSX SIG, Fall 1985, Anaheim
 Version: V1, March 1986
Submitted by: Glenn C. Everhart, Ph.D.
Operating System: IAS, RSX-11D, RSX-11M, RSX-11M-PLUS, VAX/VMS  Source
MACRO-11, PASCAL, VAX-11 FORTRAN  Keywords: Data Communications,
Programming Languages, Spreadsheet, Symposia Tapes - RSX-11, Utilities
- RSX-11
Abstract: This tape contains the submissions from the Fall 1985
symposium in Anaheim for the RSX SIG collection.  It is
available in either BRU or VMS/BACKUP format.  To obtain the
VMS/BACKUP version, order DECUS No. V-SP-50.
The tape contains numerous packages, many of interest to
VMS, RSTS and RT-11 sites as well as RSX sites.  The top
level documents for the tape are in directory [300,1] on
tape.  Start with BEGIN85B.DOC for further details.
Highlights of the tape:
. Complete update of all DECUS C including the most complete
  toolkit yet.  Support for all OSs is included.  This
  release is unsupported but contains major upgrades to
  improve compatibility of DECUS C with the ANSI version of
  the full language.  Also includes a greatly improved GREP
  from Tom Shinal of the RT-11 SIG.
. Update to Bonner RUNOFF (DSR superset.  VMS Native mode
  supported also.  Aids to convert MACRO-11 to MACRO-32 are
  used and included in this kit.)
. KERMIT-11 update and a new KERMIT for IBMPC which emulates
  VT100, supports XMODEM, KERMIT, menus, scripts,
  autodialing and much more.  Also communications support
  for systems with the half duplex TT driver.
. Faster and more powerful version of AnalytiCalc
  spreadsheet with additional string functions.
. Object disassemblers for RSX.
. Spelling checkers, menu systems and a complete forms
  management system (in FORTRAN).
. Complete revision of TED fullscreen editor for RSX, RT-11,
  VMS with sources in C.  This editor has many powerful word
  processing features and a TECO-like "see-all" mode.  It is
  faster than TECO, however.
. Graphics support systems including terminal viewgraph
Numerous additional system-use aids for RSX are also
included.  There are several drivers, some VAX/RSX V2 AME
bug workarounds, file listers, file finders, a way to use
F77 virtual arrays with I/D space, batch systems, VT200
setup systems, VTL updates, command line editors and more.
The tape is one which has something for any PDP-11 or VAX
system and contains much information which has never
appeared elsewhere.
About 60,000 blocks are required to hold the full tape
Complete sources not included.
Media (Service Charge Code): 2400' Magnetic Tape (PS)  Format: BRU,
1600 BPI ONLY, TK50 Tape Cartridge (TC)  Format: BRU

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Tim Shoppa <shoppa@trailing-edge.com>
Created: December 26, 1998