PRO165     Technical Graphics Programs for the Pro-350  Version: July
Submitted by: Robert A. Brockman, Ph.D.
Operating System: P/OS V2.0  Source Language: FORTRAN 77  Memory
Required: 64KB maximum  Software Required: PROSE (optional)  Hardware
Required: Hard Disk  Keywords: Graphics, Utilities - P/OS
Abstract: This package contains five programs which can be used to
create three basic types of graphic displays.
. GCPLOT plots, and optionally labels, contours of a
  function (or collection of data points) in two dimensions.
  The region on which the data is defined and displayed may
  be highly irregular.
. CCPLOT is very similar to GCPLOT and accepts the same
  data.  Output from CCPLOT is in the form of color-filled
  plots (or grey scale on a B/W monitor), coded according to
  function values.  Color-coding may be specified using
  color maps created in COLMAP.
. XYPLOT is a simple X-Y plotter, with axis limits, tick
  mark spacing, titles and label formats specified by the
. GCDATA is built around a FORTRAN interpreter, which allows
  formulas to be translated into the contouring data used
  by GCPLOT and CCPLOT.  The PROSE editor, under control of
  GCDATA, allows for user input and editing of one or more
  FORTRAN-like statements defining the function.  Data for
  contour plotting is then generated on up to five
  rectangular and five curved regions specified by the user.
. COLMAP is a color map editor, which is useful in
  specifying the color-coding scheme in CCPLOT.  A set of
  eight colors (including background) may be edited at once.
  Colors are modified by adjusting red, green, and blue
  levels, with the color display being updated
Restrictions: CCPLOT and COLMAP require extended bitmap option, and a
color monitor is
recommended; GCDATA uses PROSE callable editor task (CET).
Media (Service Charge Code): User's Manual (EA), Two RX50 Diskettes
(JB)  Format: FILES-11

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Created: December 26, 1998