(reference sources not confirmed by me- D.F. 3/8/93) In 1990 a survey of 10 border hospitals/major medical centers (the type a person seeking "the best health care in the world would go to) in the U.S. (Buffalo General, Cleveland Clinic, Detroit Medical Center, Henry Ford Hospital, Johns Hopkins, Mass. General, Mayo, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, University of Rochester, and University of Washington) showed little border crossing. Only two of the institutions could provide evidence that more than 1 percent of their admissions were Canadians. Buff. Gen'l reported that 3% of its patients were Canadian, with a substantial portion of that being lithotripter patients sent by Ontario as the funds were raised for a new machine. The report concludes that there is "no evidence that substantial numbers of Canadians are seeking care at American medical centers." -JK Iglehart, New England Journal of Medicine, Feb. 22, 1990. Harvard/Harris Poll results, 1988: 95% of Canadians say they would not trade their system for the American system. 61% of Americans say they would trade their system for the Canadian system. 67% of Canadians were very satisfied with the health care services they received. More than half said that the system needed only minor changes. 35% of Americans said they were very satisfied with the care they received. Only 10 percent said the system needed only minor reforms. -Blendon and Taylor, Health Affairs, Spring 1989. In a 1990 follow-up poll, Blendon et al. (Health Affairs, Summer 1990) find that 67% of Americans would trade for the Canadian system. In 9 different polls between 1989 and 1990, taken by 9 different groups, more than 60% of Americans every time reported that they would support a National Health Insurance Plan financed through taxes. Patients waiting and days waiting in Ontario, October 1990 from the GAO report on Canadian Health Insurance for emergent cases (i.e. non-elective type procedures). Number of patients Number of days MRI 0 0 CT scan 0 0 Cardiovascualr surgery 0 0 Eye surgery 0 0 Orthopedic surgery 0 0 Lithotripsy 168 1-90 =================== 9/13 Gallup Poll- 96% of Canadians prefer their system to the U.S. ===================