From: Kevin Atkinson Subject: The Bible of Usenet *may* be changing its name... Newsgroups: news.misc,,news.future,news.admin.misc,news.groups Followup-To: news.misc The Bible of Usenet was originally called "USENET Bible." Some one then e-mailed me saying the name was confusing; he thought it meant USENET's *Holy* Bible. I agreed with him and I changed the name to "Bible of Usenet." Which is clearer, or so I thought. I then latter got some e-mail from else saying that name is confusing and I should consider "Usenet Codex" or "Codex of Usenet". I didn't like these names because it is not that common of a word. I wanted a clear and "exciting" name. I have considered "Usenet Collection", but that name is two weak. So I am asking the USENet community for a good name, or if its even worth changing. Changing the name would be a lot of trouble. Considering I will even have to change the Bible of Usenet login name and Change the Subject of the FAQ, which will probably mean waiting another month for it to get approved fore news.answers. So is it even worth it? I personally fell that "Bible of Usenet" is clear because it is the Bible *of* Usenet; the "of" makes it clear. But, I could be wrong... If I do change the name what would be a good name? I would like it to began with Usenet to so that it would sort with things under Usenet (when presented under a long list). A few names to consider are "Usenet Handbook", and. "Usenet Primer". Please replay by *posting* so that others can see what you think. Any e-mail you send me would probably wind up getting posted so that I can see what others think of the idea. The Bible of Usenet is a collection of Useful info. on Usenet including: -A Short Description of the group. -A Long Description of the group -Any FAQ's that go with the group -The Moderators name and e-mail address if moderated -Where and how the group is archived, if at all. -Its average volume -Its average number of readers -Any mailing lists it is gatewayed to Before Considering any names please check out the FAQ (just posted) and at least the abbreviated version of the Bible (see the FAQ for more info.) PS: Lets keep this conversation civil; NO Flames or name- calling.