TuneTree, more tune resources

feel free to send me other resources that should be here!
Information on Shorten format, music trading, and free software for Linux/Windoze/MacOS can be found at etree.org
They really have good info on legitimate trader-friendly music trading, CD-burning, Shorten music format, bands that allow trading, becoming a server, etc.
I could repeat the info, but I think that they say it well, so for now look to this excellent resource.
Bands That Allow Taping
Other tune resources:
GDlive.com -Grateful Dead shows
philzone.org -Phil & Friends shows
Mason's Children -trading vines & more
Jamz -other bands, at Ibiblio also

FurthurNet -peer-to-peer file sharing for trading-friendly bands.  I haven't gotten a chance to use yet, new spin on a concept! (may still be in beta)
There are plenty of other sites out there, although some must give out limited numbers of logins because of bandwidth limits. Many also have public logins with a set number of users that may connect at once. These are still non-commercial, free sites though, and promote trading! The mailing lists at etree.org are a good guide to these servers!
For setlist info, try Setlist.com -search setlists, many bands
or a good book for Grateful Dead is DeadBase -www.deadbase.com
The DeadBase site also allows you to search setlists (for GD)

Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics is a great site, with some interesting interpretations and essays too.


Please email me suggestions or feedback at infoport@metalab.unc.edu
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  <©>DeadHead spreading the tunes.