Mr. Traffic: Limit 75 people will do 85-90

Mr. Traffic, otherwise known as Kenny Morse. One of our enemies in the repeal off the speed limit. He knows the true cause of accidents and all but he insists that american drivers will automatically do 10-15 mph over the limit. We tried to talk reason into him but he simply wouldn't budge.

Rather then tell you how he wouldn't lesson to reason and cleverly avoid answering any questions that would prove him wrong check out these Threads from the ca.driving and newsgroups and judge for yourself. Take a special look at the rebuttals done by me (Kevin Atkinson <>), Adam Neil Villani <>, and Jamie Hanrahan <>. Those two especially seemed to disprove Kenny's every point with out resorting to flaming.

(All of these threads are available as a zip file (120k) in mailbox format (plain text) if you rather read the material offline or the like.)

And be sure to check out his wonderfully stupid homepage at

"First, the name 'Mr. Traffic' makes me laugh - no, cry - because his students take him at least somewhat seriously" - Bob Morrow

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