Outcome of the NJ metting on Speed Limits

May 20
From the NMA

A joint hearing of the Assembly Law and Public Safety committee and the Transportation and Communications committee was held on May 16 to take testimony from the Whitman administration and the public on raising the maximum speed limit in New Jersey. The hearing was very successful from the viewpoint of the committee members and staff.

The three representatives of the state (DOT, Office of Highway Safety, and the State Police) were very unorganized. The state police person was still talking in terms of federal guidelines and urbanized areas even though the DOT person led off with a history of the 55 limit, including mention of the NMSL repeal. The Highway Safety person seemed to be reading every statistic from the IIHS.

The proponents of higher limits were next, starting with the Chairman of the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and NJ-NMA. Others testifying included OOIDA (independent truckers), ABATE (motorcycle), a representative from the ITE Speed Zoning committee, a former Garden State Parkway Chief Engineer, and 4 or 5 NMA members who did an excellent job.

The bad news is that the bills probably won't leave committee until at least September. People must continue write to the Governor and their legislators about raising the speed limit. We need to generate a groundswell of public support. That will make the difference.

New Jersey Legislature
State House, CN 068
Trenton, NJ 08625

Governor Christine Whitman
Governor's Office
State House
Trenton, NJ 08625

A few days after the hearing, The Star-Ledger ran a short editorial in Saturday's edition (5/18) entitled "A Deadly Change." They start by mentioning all the truths we agree with (i.e., many drivers go a lot faster than 55 and enforcement is selective) but they end by emphasizing the myth of motorists driving even faster if the limit were raised. If you live in New Jersey and want to respond to the above myth, your can reply by e-mail to: eletters@starledger.com. Include your name, address and phone number.

Source: NMA's State Items of Interest page

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