Thursday, September 7, 1978


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    7:37   7:38     P   The President talked with his Personal Assistant and Secretary Susan   
                              S. Clough.                                                             

                         The President went to Holly cabin.                                     

    8:30  10:25          The President met with: 
                              Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of the State of Israel 
                              Ezer Weizman, Minister of Defense, State of Israel 
                              Moshe Dayan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Israel  

                              Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State 
                              Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant for National Security 

    9:36             R   The President was telephoned by Representative Walter Flowers          
                             (D-Alabama).  The call was not completed.                              

   10:25                 The President and Prime Minister Begin went to the President's study   
                             in Aspen Lodge.                                                        

   10:25             R   The President was telephoned by his Assistant for Congressional        
                             Liaison, Frank R. Moore.  The call was not completed.                  

   10:30   1:45          The President 
met with: Prime Minister Begin                           

   10:45   1:45          Anwar al Sadat, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt                

   11:57             R   The President was telephoned by Vice President Walter F. Mondale.      
                             The call was not completed.                                            

    1:43   1:45      R   The President talked with Secretary Vance.                             

    1:55   2:55          The President met with Mr. Brzezinski.                                 

    3:00   3:08      P   The President talked with Mr. Moore.                                   

    3:15   3:35          The President met with Vice President Mondale.                         

    4:27   4:30      R   The President talked with Secretary of Defense Harold Brown.           

    5:02   6:55          The President 
met with: 
                             President Sadat 
                             Prime Minister Begin           

    7:30   8:05          The President met with Mr. Brzezinski.                                 

    8:25                 The President and First Lady walked from Aspen Lodge to the Field      
                             House.  They were accompanied by: President Sadat Prime Minister 
                             and Mrs. Begin                                                             

    8:34   9:31          The Presidential party attended the "Evening Parade" performed by      
                             two companies of U.S. Marine Corps.                                    

    9:32                 The Presidential party went to Laurel Lodge.                           

   10:29                 The President and President Sadat went to Holly cabin.                 

   10:30  12:55          The President met with: 
                             President Sadat 
                             Vice President Mondale         
                             Secretary Vance 
                            ?Secretary Brown 
                            ?Mr. Brzezinski 
                            ?Hamilton Jordan,     
                             Assistant Muhammad Ibrahim Kamel, Minister of Foreign Affairs, 
                                Arab Republic of Egypt 
                             Deputy Prime Minister Touhamy
   10:49             R   The President was telephoned by Mr. Moore.  The call was not           
                         ? indicates attendance not confirmed.                                  

Third Column indicates: Phone calls [P]laced or [R]eceived by the President
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