Friday, September 8, 1978


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    8:35   9:36          The President participated in a breakfast meeting with: 
                             Walter F. Mondale, Vice President 
                             Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State 
                             Harold Brown, Secretary of Defense 
                             Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant for National Security
                             Hamilton Jordan, Assistant 
                             Joseph L. "Jody" Powell, Press Secretary                                         
    9:38   9:47      P   The President talked with his assistant for Congressional Liaison,     
                             Frank B. Moore.                                                        
   10:22  11:51          The President played tennis with the First Lady.                       
   10:37  10:38      P   The President talked with Maxwell Cleland, Administrator of            
                             Veterans Administration.                                               
   11:15             P   The President telephoned Mr. Moore.  The call was not completed.       
   11:15             P   The President telephoned Senator John A. Durkin (D-New Hampshire).     
                             The call was not completed.                                            
   11:23  11:24      R   The President talked with Mr. Moore.                                   
   11:28  11:36      R   The President talked with Senator Durkin.                              
   11:33             R   The President was telephoned by Secretary Vance.  The call  was not    
   11:38  11:39      R   The President talked with Secretary Brown.                             
   11:57                 The President returned to Aspen Lodge.                                 
   12:06  12:07      P   The President talked with his Appointments Secretary, Phillip J.       
                             Wise, Jr.                                                              
   12:18  12:19      R   The President talked with Mr. Wise.                                    
   12:28  12:29      P   The President talked with Secretary Vance.                             
   12:30   1:00          The President met with Secretary Vance.                                
    1:39   1:40       P  The President talked with Secretary Brown.                             
    2:30   4:04          The President met with: 
                             Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of the State    
                                 of Israel 
                             Moshe Dayan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, State       
                         Israel Ezer Weizman, Minister of Defense for the State of              
                         Israel Secretary Vance                                                 
    4:07                 The President went to Dogwood Cabin.                                   
    4:27             R   The President was telephoned by Mr. Moore.  The call was not           
    4:53                 The President returned to Aspen Lodge.                                 
    4:56   4:57      P   The President talked with Prime Minister Begin.                        
    5:08   5:11          The President bicycled from Aspen Lodge to Holly Cabin.                
    5:32   5:38          The President bicycled from Holly Cabin to Aspen Lodge.                
    7:04   7:07          The President and the First Lady walked from Aspen Lodge  to Hickory   
                         Cabin.  They were escorted by Prime Minister and Mrs. Begin.           
    7:07   8:50          The President and the First Lady attended a Jewish Sabbath meal with   
                         Prime Minister and Mrs. Begin and other  U.S. and Israeli officials.   
    8:50   8:54          The President and the First Lady walked from Hickory Cabin to Aspen    
       ?  ?              The President and the First Lady watched the movie "Sleuth."           

Third Column indicates: Phone calls [P]laced or [R]eceived by the President
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