Tuesday, September 12, 1978


Return to Negotiations Element
                         The President went bicycling on the grouds of Camp David,        
                             Enroute, he met briefly with members of the 

    8:02   8:06      P   The President talked with Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance.           

    8:30   9:47          The President met at Aspen Lodge with:  
                             Secretary Vance 
                             Zbigniew Brzezinski, Assistant for National Security 
                             Hamilton Jordan,   
                             Assistant  Joseph L. "Jody" Powell, Press Secretary                    

    9:58   9:58      R   The President talked with Mr. Powell.                                  

   10:40  12:06          The President met at the Aspen pool with President 
of the Arab         
                             Republic of Eqypt Anwar al-Sadat.                                      

   10:48  10:49      R   The President talked with Prime Minister of the State of Israel        
                             Menachem Begin.                                                        

   12:21   1:00          The President met at Aspen Lodge with: 
                             Secretary Vance 
                             Mr. Brzezinski                                                             

    1:47   1:53      P   The President talked with Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii).         

    1:57   1:59      P   The President talked with his Assistant for Congressional
                             Relations, Frank B. Moore.                                                        

    2:07   2:08      R   The President talked with Mr. Jordan.                                  

    2:26   2:28      P   The President talked with his Personal Assistant and 
                             Secretary Susan S. Clough.                                                             

    4:08   4:09      P   The President talked with President Sadat.                             

    4:12   4:13      P   The President talked with Secretary Vance.                             

    4:24   4:38          The President met at Aspen Lodge with:  
                             Secretary Vance 
                             Mr. Brzezinski
    4:39                 The President went to Dogwood Cabin.                                   

    4:40   4:57          The President met with President 

    4:57                 The President returned to Aspen Lodge.                                 

    4:57             P   The President asked the White House signal board operator 
                             to request Ms. Clough to come to his office.                                      

    5:05   5:08      P   The President talked with Secretary Vance.                             

    5:49             P   The President telephoned his Appointments Secretary, Phillip J.        
                             Wise, Jr.                                                              

    5:55   5:58          The President met with President Sadat.                                

    6:35?                The President went to Laurel Lodge.                                    

    6:35   7:41          The President had dinner with Prime Minister Begin 
                             and members of the Israeli delegation.                                                

    7:41                 The President returned to Aspen Lodge.                                 

    8:10?  9:32          The President met with Prime Minister Begin.                               

     ?      ?            The President met with: 
                             Secretary Vance 
                             Mr. Brzezinski  
                             Other U.S. Officials                                                              

Third Column indicates: Phone calls [P]laced or [R]eceived by the President
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