The Digital Research Initiative
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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  Web design is just like anything else you do: get the basics down and the rest will come in its time. This site is intended to give you an overview of the basics of web design.

Before we begin our great journey, there are some concepts we need to address, some theory that needs to be learned. The Web by nature is an ever-changing environment. Technologies and processes that are hyped today are often gone tomorrow. What does survive generally follows the same maxims. Understanding what these are and how to use them effectively will not only help you build better web sites, but will also make you a better person. New friends will rush to befriend you, employers will clamor to employ you and water will flow over your feet just as it did before.

Content is King. Flashy graphics and stupid tricks a web site not make. All design is centered around content. Seek the center.

Less is More. Beauty is in the most simplest of designs.

Form Follows Function. Everything in life is defined by what it does and does not do. Web pages are no different.

Keep these in mind as we explore HTML and web graphics. These are the three rules that determine who succeeds and who fails on the web.

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it doesn't matter what use a builder has in mind; he or she must use wood according to its properties   This site was created by Adam Fuller especially for students of the UNC School of Journalism's JOMC 050 Class and anyone else who may be interested. For more information, please contact