The Digital Research Initiative
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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  Kick some ascii ass
Being a true bad ass in the web building world means knowing HTML and being able to kick out mofo pages using the most rudimentary text editors like Notepad and vi (pico is for pansies). If you're a black belt builder in-training, then you'll also want to check out the HTML special character codes. These let you use more than just the standard ascii (oh, ascii, how I love thee!!) characters in your web pages.

Description                            Char  Code             Entity name   
===================================    ====  ============     ==============
quotation mark                         "     "  --> "     "   --> "
ampersand                              &     &  --> &     &    --> &
less-than sign                         <     &#60;  --> <     &lt;     --> <
greater-than sign                      >     &#62;  --> >     &gt;     --> >

non-breaking space                          &#160; -->       &nbsp;   -->  
inverted exclamation mark                   &#161; --> ¡     &iexcl;  --> ¡
cent sign                                   &#162; --> ¢     &cent;   --> ¢
pound sign                                  &#163; --> £     &pound;  --> £
currency sign                               &#164; --> ¤     &curren; --> ¤
yen sign                                    &#165; --> ¥     &yen;    --> ¥
broken vertical bar                         &#166; --> ¦     &brvbar; --> ¦
section sign                                &#167; --> §     &sect;   --> §
spacing diaresis                            &#168; --> ¨     &uml;    --> ¨
copyright sign                              &#169; --> ©     &copy;   --> ©
feminine ordinal indicator                  &#170; --> ª     &ordf;   --> ª
angle quotation mark, left                  &#171; --> «     &laquo;  --> «
negation sign                               &#172; --> ¬     &not;    --> ¬
soft hyphen                                 &#173; --> ­     &shy;    --> ­
circled R registered sign                   &#174; --> ®     &reg;    --> ®
degree sign                                 &#176; --> °     &deg;    --> °
plus-or-minus sign                          &#177; --> ±     &plusmn; --> ±
superscript 2                               &#178; --> ²     &sup2;   --> ²
superscript 3                               &#179; --> ³     &sup3;   --> ³
spacing acute                               &#180; --> ´     &acute;  --> ´
micro sign                                  &#181; --> µ     &micro;  --> µ
paragraph sign                              &#182; --> ¶     &para;   --> ¶
middle dot                                  &#183; --> ·     &middot; --> ·
spacing cedilla                             &#184; --> ¸     &cedil;  --> ¸
superscript 1                               &#185; --> ¹     &sup1;   --> ¹
masculine ordinal indicator                 &#186; --> º     &ordm;   --> º
angle quotation mark, right                 &#187; --> »     &raquo;  --> »
fraction 1/4                                &#188; --> ¼     &frac14; --> ¼
fraction 1/2                                &#189; --> ½     &frac12; --> ½
fraction 3/4                                &#190; --> ¾     &frac34; --> ¾
inverted question mark                      &#191; --> ¿     &iquest; --> ¿
capital A, grave accent                     &#192; --> À     &Agrave; --> À
capital A, acute accent                     &#193; --> Á     &Aacute; --> Á
capital A, circumflex accent                &#194; --> Â     &Acirc;  --> Â
capital A, tilde                            &#195; --> Ã     &Atilde; --> Ã
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark          &#196; --> Ä     &Auml;   --> Ä
capital A, ring                             &#197; --> Å     &Aring;  --> Å
capital AE diphthong (ligature)             &#198; --> Æ     &AElig;  --> Æ
capital C, cedilla                          &#199; --> Ç     &Ccedil; --> Ç
capital E, grave accent                     &#200; --> È     &Egrave; --> È
capital E, acute accent                     &#201; --> É     &Eacute; --> É
capital E, circumflex accent                &#202; --> Ê     &Ecirc;  --> Ê
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark          &#203; --> Ë     &Euml;   --> Ë
capital I, grave accent                     &#204; --> Ì     &Igrave; --> Ì
capital I, acute accent                     &#205; --> Í     &Iacute; --> Í
capital I, circumflex accent                &#206; --> Î     &Icirc;  --> Î
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark          &#207; --> Ï     &Iuml;   --> Ï
capital Eth, Icelandic                      &#208; --> Ð     &ETH;    --> Ð
capital N, tilde                            &#209; --> Ñ     &Ntilde; --> Ñ
capital O, grave accent                     &#210; --> Ò     &Ograve; --> Ò
capital O, acute accent                     &#211; --> Ó     &Oacute; --> Ó
capital O, circumflex accent                &#212; --> Ô     &Ocirc;  --> Ô
capital O, tilde                            &#213; --> Õ     &Otilde; --> Õ
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark          &#214; --> Ö     &Ouml;   --> Ö
multiplication sign                         &#215; --> ×     &times;  --> ×
capital O, slash                            &#216; --> Ø     &Oslash; --> Ø
capital U, grave accent                     &#217; --> Ù     &Ugrave; --> Ù
capital U, acute accent                     &#218; --> Ú     &Uacute; --> Ú
capital U, circumflex accent                &#219; --> Û     &Ucirc;  --> Û
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark          &#220; --> Ü     &Uuml;   --> Ü
capital Y, acute accent                     &#221; --> Ý     &Yacute; --> Ý
capital THORN, Icelandic                    &#222; --> Þ     &THORN;  --> Þ
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)         &#223; --> ß     &szlig;  --> ß
small a, grave accent                       &#224; --> à     &agrave; --> à
small a, acute accent                       &#225; --> á     &aacute; --> á
small a, circumflex accent                  &#226; --> â     &acirc;  --> â
small a, tilde                              &#227; --> ã     &atilde; --> ã
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#228; --> ä     &auml;   --> ä
small a, ring                               &#229; --> å     &aring;  --> å
small ae diphthong (ligature)               &#230; --> æ     &aelig;  --> æ
small c, cedilla                            &#231; --> ç     &ccedil; --> ç
small e, grave accent                       &#232; --> è     &egrave; --> è
small e, acute accent                       &#233; --> é     &eacute; --> é
small e, circumflex accent                  &#234; --> ê     &ecirc;  --> ê
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#235; --> ë     &euml;   --> ë
small i, grave accent                       &#236; --> ì     &igrave; --> ì
small i, acute accent                       &#237; --> í     &iacute; --> í
small i, circumflex accent                  &#238; --> î     &icirc;  --> î
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#239; --> ï     &iuml;   --> ï
small eth, Icelandic                        &#240; --> ð     &eth;    --> ð
small n, tilde                              &#241; --> ñ     &ntilde; --> ñ
small o, grave accent                       &#242; --> ò     &ograve; --> ò
small o, acute accent                       &#243; --> ó     &oacute; --> ó
small o, circumflex accent                  &#244; --> ô     &ocirc;  --> ô
small o, tilde                              &#245; --> õ     &otilde; --> õ
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#246; --> ö     &ouml;   --> ö
division sign                               &#247; --> ÷     &divide; --> ÷
small o, slash                              &#248; --> ø     &oslash; --> ø
small u, grave accent                       &#249; --> ù     &ugrave; --> ù
small u, acute accent                       &#250; --> ú     &uacute; --> ú
small u, circumflex accent                  &#251; --> û     &ucirc;  --> û
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#252; --> ü     &uuml;   --> ü
small y, acute accent                       &#253; --> ý     &yacute; --> ý
small thorn, Icelandic                      &#254; --> þ     &thorn;  --> þ
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark            &#255; --> ÿ     &yuml;   --> ÿ

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sharpness depends on the edge of a blade narrowing to nothingness   This site was created by Adam Fuller especially for students of the UNC School of Journalism's JOMC 050 Class and anyone else who may be interested. For more information, please contact