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  Zeus rules.

  Shamanism-General Overview-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    This FAQ contains a general overview on shamanism. It should be
      read by anyone interested in understanding the what is meant by
      shamanism and what differentiates shamanism form other forms of
      ecstatic experience
    From: (Dean Edwards)
    Posted: monthly (Fri, 22 Dec 1995 22:58:37 GMT)

  Alt.Magick KFAQ#04: Hermes' Wand? (kreEePing oOze faQ)
    From: (tyaginator)
    Posted: to alt.magick -- by inquiry and desire; to news.answers -- approximately monthly ()

  alt.mythology Sumerian Mythology FAQ, ver. *
  alt.mythology Assyro-Babylonian Mythology FAQ, ver. *
    This posting contains a description of the pantheon and cosmology
      of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now southern Iraq over
      4000 years ago.  Aspects of Sumerian culture are touched upon as
      are parallels with Biblical stories.
    From: (Christopher B. Siren)
    Posted: monthly (3rd of the month) (4 Jan 1996 15:24:41 GMT)

  Arthurian Booklist (rec.arts.books)
  Robin Hood Booklist (rec.arts.books)
    This is a periodically posted informational post about books that
      are related to the story of King Arthur and Camelot.  It
      includes novels, poems, research, and a few related stories.
    From: (Cindy Tittle Moore)
    Posted: 25 days (20 Jan 1996 01:28:09 GMT)

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