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  Mapping and sequencing of eucaryote chromosomes.

  A group where Greg Lennon and Bruce Roe are discussion leaders.   
  The topics open for discussion in this news group include:
    1. Physical mapping of human, mouse and other mammalian chromosomes
    2. Large-scale sequencing of cDNAs and chromosomes
    3. Mapping of human, mouse and other mammalian cDNAs to chromosomes
    4. Selection of chromosome-specific cDNAs
    5. Generation of chromosome-specific clones and sequences
       (STSs, microsatellites, etc.)
  with an emphasis on theory, techniques and discoveries.  The overall
  purpose of this group is to bring research groups with an interest in 
  genomic-level research and automated methods for studying mammalian 
  genomes together to exchange ideas and protocols, probes and mapping 
  information, and to discuss other issues relevant studying mammalian 
  genomes together to exchange ideas and protocols, probes and mapping 
  information, and to discuss other issues relevant to mapping and 
  sequencing mammalian chromosomes, cDNAs and genes.

  Readers: 4300 (0.1%) {14%}         Mesgs per month/day: 71/2       {16%}
  Crossposting: 1% {12%}             Megs  per month/day: 0.1/0.003  {19%}
  Sites reciving this Group: 37%     Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.01

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