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  Soap operas produced by or for the ABC network.

  Postings specific to the soaps on ABC.  These soaps include Loving,
  All My Children, One Life to Live, General Hospital, and any future
  soaps airing on ABC.

  ALL: Monthly FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
    Frequently Asked Questions list for
    From: M Gibbs <>
    Posted: monthly (7 Dec 1995 19:04:48 GMT)

  Readers: 10000 (0.2%) {47%}        Mesgs per month/day: 5891/196   {97%}
  Crossposting: 1% {12%}             Megs  per month/day: 9.9/0.330  {95%}
  Sites reciving this Group: 51%     Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.46

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