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  All about Saturn cars, fans and company.

  A place for discussion of all aspects of Saturn vehicles, especially, but 
  not limited to, purchasing, owning and maintaining them, including:
            How to maintain and repair Saturn vehicles
            Performance, efficiency, reliability, and other statistics
            The usual enthusiasm and gripes from owners
            Reviews and comparisons for shoppers
            Price information
            All relevant announcements from GM or Saturn Corp.
            Shopping for promotional Saturn Corp. items

  Readers: 6500 (0.1%) {28%}         Mesgs per month/day: 860/29     {62%}
  Crossposting: 4% {21%}             Megs  per month/day: 1.4/0.047  {64%}
  Sites reciving this Group: 50%     Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.10

[Goto Group] [Copyright Notice | Credits]