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  Coding the Xtank game and its robots.

  A newsgroup for (but not limited to) the discussion of:
  - modifications to the code of the Xtank program proper
  - modifications to robot programs that are contained in the
    standard distribution
  - programmers  of xtank robot programs should use this group
    to solicite feedback from others
  - bug reports and fixes for robots and the core distribution

  Readers: 9400 (0.1%) {43%}         Mesgs per month/day: 28/1       {9%}
  Crossposting: 7% {32%}             Megs  per month/day: 0.0/0.000  {9%}
  Sites reciving this Group: 63%     Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.00

[Goto Group] [Copyright Notice | Credits]