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  Alternate history.

  LIST: Alternate History Stories, * of *
    An annotated bibliography of novels, stories and essays involving
      alternate histories (a.k.a. what-ifs, allohistories, uchronias
      or counterfactuals), writings in which a past event has been
      altered and its effect on history somehow described.
    From: (Robert B. Schmunk)
    Posted: Quarterly (16 Jan 1996 00:17:14 -0500)

  soc.history.what-if FAQ
    Frequently asked questions and answers for soc.history.what-if, a
      newsgroup which debates such questions as "What if the South won
      the Civil War", "What if there were no Internet", etc.
    From: (Robert B. Schmunk)
    Posted: Monthly (2 Jan 1996 12:02:05 -0500)

  Readers: 4500 (0.1%) {15%}         Mesgs per month/day: 1143/38    {70%}
  Crossposting: 11% {43%}            Megs  per month/day: 2.7/0.090  {79%}
  Sites reciving this Group: 34%     Cost ratio ($US/month/rdr): 0.18

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