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gnUSENET (gnUSENET is Not USENET) is a set of newsgroups that are gated bi-directionally with the Internet mailing lists of the GNU Project of the Free Software Foundation. GNU (GNU's Not Unix) will be a complete operating system, including application programs, with freely redistributable source code. Please use ONLY gnu.misc.discuss for discussion of topics considered contrary to GNU aims and political philosophy (e.g., porting of GNU code to Apple machines, usefulness of intellectual property laws, etc.).

The GNU mailing lists and newsgroups, like the GNU project itself, exist to promote the freedom to share software. So please don't use these newsgroups (or the other GNU lists) to promote or recommend non-free software. (Using them to post ordering information is the ultimate faux pas.) If there is no free program to do a certain task, then somebody should write one!

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