
Re: WSN: Difference in Dielectric property of water (fwd)

Sender: Humberto saint Martin <humberto@ce.ifisicam.unam.mx>
Subject: Re: WSN: Difference in Dielectric property of water

Dear Dr. Mrigank,

As far as I know, your worry about the change in the dielectric
properties of water is shared by many people, and there are no
definite answers. I can refer you to a review made by Dr. I.
Ortega-Blake and myself on the behavior of water near dielectric
surfaces (H. Saint-Martin and I. Ortega-Blake, chapter 3 in
``Biomolecules in Organic Solvents'', A. Gomez-Puyou ed., CRC
Press, Boca raton, 1992). 

Another work which can be of help will appear soon (maybe it is already
published) in J. Phys. Chem. It is a molecular dynamics study of
the hydration structure of an antigen-antibody complex, performed
by F. Alary, J. Durup and Y-H. Sanejouand, from Toulouse, France.

Numerical simulations can give some information on the dipole - dipole
correlation function, but a serious limitation is that most model
potentials are not polarizable. At Cuernavaca we are developing our
own models, and have had some success with several moelcules, but
we are still far from computing the dielectric constant in different

                         Humberto Saint Martin

Laboratorio de Cuernavaca, IFUNAM   |  Tel.: (52-73) 135688
Apartado Postal 139 - B             |                175388
62191 Cuernavaca, Morelos           |  Fax:  (52-73) 173077
MEXICO                              |                111603