
WSN: 2nd virial algorithm (fwd)

Sender: Humberto saint Martin <humberto@ce.ifisicam.unam.mx>
Subject: WSN: 2nd virial algorithm

I am looking for an efficient algorithm to compute the
second virial coefficient of water, for a given intermolecular
potential. I am currently working with a Monte Carlo for multiple
integration, and with a method due to Haselgrove (the reference
is from 1967). Surely there are more recent and more efficient
ways to do this. Could anybody send me a reference? Thank you.

                         Humberto Saint Martin

Laboratorio de Cuernavaca, IFUNAM   |  Tel.: (52-73) 135688
Apartado Postal 139 - B             |                175388
62191 Cuernavaca, Morelos           |  Fax:  (52-73) 173077
MEXICO                              |                111603