
Re: WSN: Difference in Dielectric property of water (fwd)

Sender: ptvd@chem.rug.nl
Subject: Re: WSN: Difference in Dielectric property of water

Dear Dr. Mrigank,

"Dielectric" properties of microscopic volumes (< 100=C5 cubed) can=
 only be
described properly in terms of microscopic parameters, i.e.
polarizabilities + statistical averaging (Monte Carlo or Molecular
Dynamics) over mobile permanent dipoles.  See e.g. De Vries et al.=
Quantum Chem. (1993) Q.C.Symp. 27 451-466 and references given there.

Good luck!  =20

P.Th. van Duijnen, Chemistry Department (OMAC), University of Groningen,
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
tel. (int)-3150-634373  fax. (int)-3150-634296