
effective hydrophobic forces (fwd)

Sender: "David J.E.Callaway (212)327-8842 callaway@physics.rockefeller.edu"
Subject: WSN: effective hydrophobic forces


I am trying to develop a good model for the hydrophobic
potential of mean force between apolar things in water.
I intend to use this to approximate the effective hydrophobic
forces between hydrophobic amino acid residues for protein
structure prediction.

I'm interested in any references or thoughts people may have.

So far I've found the following references to be useful and

L.R. Pratt and D. Chandler, J. Chem. Phys. 67, 3683 (1977)

C. Pangali, M. Rao, and B. J. Berne, J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2975 (1979)

Does anyone have more recent references?



        /\                 David J. E. Callaway
       /**\        /\      The Rockefeller University
    o_/****\  /\  /**\     1230 York Avenue
    K/******\/**\/****\    New York, NY 10021-6399
   //        \   \     \   (212)327-8842
  //                    \  callaway@physics.rockefeller.edu