
Re: WSN: MD of solvation (fwd)

Sender: adit@Kodak.COM (Adi Treasurywala)
Subject: Re: WSN: MD of solvation

	I would suggest that you look up the work of Levitt and Daggert 
published recently on their water model calibration. Then use these thoughts 
to guide you through the choice of methods on the basis of what they are able 
to reproduce of the properties of water itself. I found that paper (which is 
not the only one of its kind admittedly) to be very useful. Sorry but I don't 
have a concrete ref. I do however have an address:

Michael Levitt,
Beckman Laboratory for Structural Biology,
Department of cell Biology,
Stanford School of Medicine,
Stanford CA 94305


Valerie Daggett,
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, 
University of Washington,
Seattle Washington WA 98195 USA.

Hope it helps.

Adi M Treasurywala,Sterling Winthrop Inc,1250 South Collegeville Road,
PO Box 5000, Collegeville, PA 19426-0900,Voice (215)983-6610 FAX
(215)983-5559, INTERNET adit@kodak.com