
Re: WSN: Voronoi Polyhedra (fwd)

Sender: jc@cacharro.quim.ucm.es (Juan Carlos Gil Montoro)
Subject: Re: WSN: Voronoi Polyhedra

        I do not recommend Allen & Tildesley's Voronoi tesellation program from
their book, at least the 3D version. Although the 2D version works well, the
3D one does a poor job, specially in disordered media (I know, this is a 
*WATER* list and water is quite 'ordered' in a sense).
        You can check our recent work "The Voronoi Polyhedra as Tools for
Structure Determination in Simple Disordered Systems", J. Phys. Chem. 97,
pag. 4211-4215, 1993
        If someone want to try our program, although not thought in priciple
for distribution (user friendliness and so), drop me a line.
    (_) _   _    _ _   ___       ___    _ _  _ __ 
    | |( ) ( ) /'_` )/' _ `\   /'___) /'_` )( '__)                       \\|//
    | || (_) |( (_| || ( ) |  ( (___ ( (_| || |                          /_ _\
 _  | |`\___/'`\__,_)(_) (_)  `\____)`\__,_)(_)    Lo bueno, si breve    |O-O|
( )_| |                                              dos veces bueno    (  .  )
`\___/'       Juan Carlos Gil Montoro                                    \ _ /
              jc@juguete.quim.ucm.es   ------> .es from SPAIN, actually   \_/

PS: Mike (lee@nematic ...). Believe me. 3D Voronoi Polyhedra is not
    a trivial task !. It may appear conceptually simple, but its
    implementation is not.