
WSN: forthcoming papers in JCP (01 Oct 94)

(from URL: gopher://jcp.uchicago.edu/11/JCP%20Express%20contents)

%N  A4.03.206
%T  Anisotropic rigid rotor potential energy  
    function for H{_2}O-H{_2}
%A  Timothy R. Phillips, Sergio Maluendes,
    A.D. McLean, and Sheldon Green
%N  008419JCP

%N  A4.04.113
%T  Electron affinity of clusters and liquids
    of polar molecules.  Theory of many body
    polarization interactions
%A  P. Stampfli
%N  009419JCP

%N  A4.04.041
%T  Comments on the numerical simulations of
    electrolytes in periodic boundary condi-
%A  Jena-Michel Caillol
%N  016419JCP

%N  A4.05.020
%T  Dynamical fluctuating charge force fields.
    Application to liquid water
%A  Steven W. Rick, Steven J. Stuart, and
    B.J. Berne
%N  025419JCP

Iosif Vaisman