
Re: WSN: Dielectric constant for water (fwd)

Sender: ptvd@chem.rug.nl
Subject: Re: WSN: Dielectric constant for water

Hello Venkat,

There's nothing wrong with your calculations, nor with the conversion! 
But,..., the Debye formula is derived and holds only for FREELY ROTATING
molecules.  And water is an anormal liquid (hydrogen bonds)!
If you do a "reverse" calculation (i.e. compute the 'effectively freely
rotating dipole moment' from eps') you get something like 0.9D in stead of
something > 2D (the dipole moment of water in the liquid). Lesson: water is
also anormal in its dielectric constant w.r.t. its small dipole moment.
Best wishes,

                                Piet van Duijnen.          

P.Th. van Duijnen, Chemistry Department (OMAC), University of Groningen,
Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
tel. (int)-3150-634373  fax. (int)-3150-634296 e-mail: ptvd@chem.rug.nl