
Re: WSN: enthalpy of adsorption (fwd)

Sender: "David G. Rhodes" <rhodes@model.phr.utexas.edu>
Subject: Re: WSN: enthalpy of adsorption

On Sep 23,  6:18pm, John Hoff wrote:
> I have a question for anyone who has some understanding of  the
> thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of adsorption.  Would you expect
> the enthalpy change for the adsorption of a nonpolar organic vapor (e.g.
> hexane) at the air-water interface to increase, decrease or be constant
> when water freezes?  Please give the reason(s) for your thinking.
>-- End of excerpt from John Hoff

Perhaps my understanding is too limited to help, but I find the question
interesting.  May I correctly restate the question as:
"Is the enthalpy of hexane adsorption greater for an air/H2O(l) interface
or for an air/H2O(s) interface?"
Please let me know so I can think about it while I drive home...
Thanks -

_____________________________________ O==O ________________________________
| David G. Rhodes                   | O==O | RHODES@MODEL.PHR.UTEXAS.EDU  |
| Pharmaceutics Division            | O==O |                              |
| College of Pharmacy               | O==O | Phone: (512)471-4681         |
| The University of Texas at Austin | O==O | Fax:   (512)471-7474         |
| Austin, TX   78712-1074           | O==O |                        }:)   |
|___________________________________| O==O |______________________________|