
WSN: JCP manuscripts on-line

Following preprints (full text + figures) of manuscripts accepted by JCP are 
available from JCPExpress (URL: gopher://jcp.uchicago.edu/11/JCP%):

Water near a planar interface: atom-based integral equation theory
    Michael J. Booth, Der-ming Duh and A. D. J. Haymet
    School of Chemistry,
    University of Sydney,
    email:  haymet@chem.usyd.edu.au
    FAX:    +61-2-692-3329
The structure and properties of an atom-based model of water next to
a planar interface are solved using an approximate integral equation
theory.  The input to the calculations is the structure of the bulk
water in the form of the direct correlation functions.  Predictions
from the theory include the oxygen and hydrogen density profiles
perpendicular to the interface, the mean electrostatic potential, the
potential of zero charge and the differential capacitance.  The
predicted structure is relatively insensitive to both the surface
potential and the details of the short-range wall-water potentials,
and exhibits a layered structure which extends approximately 15 \AA
into the liquid.  For our initial choice of the short-range
wall-water potential, we predict a value of -32 mV for the potential
of zero charge and a differential capacitance of 4.89 $\mu$F cm$^{-2}$ for
pure water at a planar interface.  The capacitance is apparently 
independent of the surface charge density and the surface potential.

Ionic association in electrolyte solutions. A voronoi polyhedra analysis
    J.C. Gil Montoro, F. Bresme, and  J.L.F. Abascal
    Depto. Quimica Fisica
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid
    Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas
    E-28040 Madrid, SPAIN
    e-mail: jl@juguete.quim.ucm.es
    FAX   : + 34 - 1 - 394 41 35
Voronoi Polyhedra (VP) analysis of ionic solutions generated via Monte-Carlo
simulations for a wide range of concentrations and ionic charges are reported.
The properties investigated are the VP volumes, VP surface shared with  
unlike/like--ions and VP non--sphericity configurational mean values  
distributions. The study shows that high concentrations favor a molten 
salt--like structure while low concentrations tend to disrupt such 
ordering so small aggregates are more likely. The degree of separation 
between these forms is strongly determined by the charge of the ions.
In the limit of low concentrations/high ionic charge, small clusters with
some chain--like character are present which anticipates several features
characteristic of the low density liquid--gas transition of the restricted
primitive model.  

Studies on free energy calculations. II. A theoretical approach to molecular 
    Haluk Resat and Mihaly Mezei 
    Department of Biophysics and Physiology
    Mount Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY,  
    New York, NY 10029-6574
    Fax:   (212) 860-3369
    Tel:   (212) 241-9457 (Haluk Resat)
    e-mail: resat@msvax.mssm.edu (Haluk Resat)
Using the concepts of Scaled Particle Theory, an analytical theory  
is developed to investigate the limiting behaviour of solvation free
energies at the particle creation limit. The new theory directly
incorporates the weakly attractive, dispersion interaction terms into
the analytical calculations. For neutral molecular systems, the effects  
of longer ranged electrostatic interactions are also incorporated, albeit  
in an ad hoc way, and the validity of the utilized assumptions are then  
demonstrated with numerical examples. It is shown that it is possible to  
blend the numerical and analytical methods to increase the reliability  
of quantitative results, and, at the same time, to achieve savings on  
computational expenditure for certain types of calculations. Different  
methods of performing the Thermodynamic Integration in solvation free  
energy calculations are also compared. Studied examples clearly show the  
importance of proper treatment of the divergence at the particle creation  
limit in obtaining quantitatively reliable results for the solvation free  
<< Enjoy the article, and we welcome any criticism/comments.>>

The structure of water at a planar wall. An integral equation approach 
with the central force model
    M. Vossen, F. Forstmann
    Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Freie Universitaet Berlin  
    Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany  
    Phone: + 030/838 3796, FAX: + 030/838 6744
    E-mail: vossen@archimedes.physik.fu-berlin.de  
The structure of liquid water in contact with a planar wall is calculated for  
the central force model by which water is modeled as a stoichiometric mixture  
of partially charged hydrogen and oxygen atoms interacting via effective  
spherical pair potentials. The density profiles near the wall are obtained  
from the Wertheim-Lovett-Mou-Buff (WLMB) equation extended to mixtures with  
coulombic interactions. The correlations in the bulk liquid are calculated  
by adding bridge functions of appropriate reference hard sphere systems to
the hypernetted chain equation. We have obtained structural (stoichiometry,  
hydrogen bonds) and thermodynamic properties in good agreement with  
computer simulations. We also expose the water to electric fields due to a
surface charge on the wall.   

Dynamic Monte Carlo description of thermal desorption processes
    Sieghard Weinketz
    Instituto de Fisica `Gleb Wataghin'
    Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
    Caixa Postal 6165, 13083-970 Campinas, Brazil
    e.mail: weinketz@ifi.unicamp.br
    Fax number: (55)(192) 39 3127
The applicability of the Dynamic Monte Carlo method of Fichthorn and
Weinberg, in which the time evolution of a system is described in terms of
the absolute number of different microscopic possible events and their
associated transition rates, is discussed for the case of thermal
desorption simulations. It is shown that the definition of the time
increment at each successful event leads naturally to the macroscopic
differential equation of desorption, in the case of simple first- and
second-order processes in which the only possible events are desorption
and diffusion. This equivalence is numerically demonstrated for a
second-order case.  In the sequence, the equivalence of this method with
the Monte Carlo method of Sales and Zgrablich for more complex desorption
processes, allowing for lateral interactions between adsorbates, is shown,
even though the Dynamic Monte Carlo method does not bear their limitation
of a rapid surface diffusion condition, thus being able to describe a more
complex `kinetics' of surface reactive processes, and therefore be applied
to a wider class of phenomena, such as surface catalysis.   

A nonlinear integral equation theory for the optical dielectric 
properties of a polarisable fluid
    Martyn Winn and Gerhard Kahl
    Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Technische Universitaet Wien,
    Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8 - 10, A-1040 Wien, Austria
    E-mail: winn@tph12.tuwien.ac.at
In a previous paper, we described a fast and reliable numerical
method for obtaining the optical absorption spectrum of a
fluid of non-polar linearly-polarisable molecules. The fluid is
modelled by a generalisation of the microscopic classical
Yvon-Kirkwood equations, which yields the same dynamic response as the
much-studied quantum Drude oscillator model. Numerical results
were presented based on a linear closure relation to
the central Ornstein-Zernike analogue equation. In the present paper,
we consider a nonlinear closure which includes but goes
beyond the previously-studied linear closure. We display the
absorption spectrum, as implied by the renormalised polarisability
and the dynamic dielectric constant, for both hard sphere and  
Lennard-Jones fluids. Comparison with available simulation
results shows that the nonlinear closure performs well
over a wide density range, and in particular corrects
the poor low-density behaviour of the linear theory.

Iosif Vaisman
UNC-Chapel Hill