
WSN: hidrophobic/Van der Walls interactions energy...

Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 16:59:40 -0400
From: szeinfel@snfma1.if.usp.br

	Hi All,
	I'm developing a montecarlo model for protein folding and I would
like to discuss with you the ratio of the energies of an Hydrophobic
interaction and a Van der Wall (or hydrogen bridge) interaction.
	I know that that's an open question because it deppends on the 
species participating in the interaction and the enviroment but it may be 
possible to find an average value.
	You don't need to send messages asking me to send a summary 
because I'll post a summary with all the replies.
	Thank's for Discussing.
* Rafael Iosef Najmanovich Szeinfeld   |SMAIL: Depto. de Bioquimica - B10 INF.*
* Dept. Biochemistry  -Chemistry Inst. |       Universidade de Sao Paulo      *
* Dept. Math. Physics -Physics Inst.   |       Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 748    *
* University of Sao Paulo              |       CEP 05508-900                  *
* E-MAIL : szeinfel@snfma1.if.usp.br   |       Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil        *