

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 13:51:17 +0000
From: Prof. Majed CHERGUI <Majed.Chergui@ipe.unil.ch>


******************* September 4-8, 1995 ***********************
****************** Lausanne, Switzerland **********************

********************* First Circular **************************

        Organized with the support of the Latsis Foundation,
the Swiss National Science Foundation and the University of Lausanne

This conference follows the Berlin Conference of March 1993 which was
attended by about 260 persons. The central theme of the Lausanne Conference
is the description both from an experimental and theoretical point of view
of the chemical and physical processes taking place in the femtosecond time
domain in various molecular media.

The topics which will be covered at the conference include:

        *       Gas phase molecules
        *       Complex molecular systems
        *       Clusters
        *       Solids and matrices
        *       Liquids
        *       Surfaces and Interfaces
        *       Control
        *       Femtodynamics from Spectroscopy

The keynote lectures will be given by Prof. A.H. Zewail (Pasadena) and
Prof. J. Jortner (Tel Aviv). So far the following invited speakers have
confirmed their participation:

V.A. Apkarian (Irvine)
G. Beddard (Manchester)
B.M. Bowman (Kansas)
S. Califano (Florence)
A.W. Castleman, Jr. (Pennsylvania)
Y. Chen (Berkeley)
R.D. Coalson (Pittsburgh)
G. Delgado-Barrio (Madrid)
K.B. Eisenthal (New-York)
G. Gerber (Wuerzburg)
R. B. Gerber (Jerusalem)
J.T. Hynes (Boulder)
R. Kosloff (Jerusalem)
V.S. Letokhov (Troitzk)
W.C. Lineberger (Boulder)
J. Manz (Berlin)
C.C. Martens (Irvine)
J.-L. Martin (Palaiseau)
S. Mukamel (Rochester)
R. Schinke (Goettingen)
B. Soep (Orsay)
V. Sundstroem (Lund)
J. Syage (Los Angeles)
D.A. Wiersma (Groningen)
K.R. Wilson (San Diego)
K. Yoshihara (Okazaki)

Conference site:  The conference will take place at the College
Propedeutique of the University of Lausanne, offering a nice view of Lake
Geneva and the Alps. An auditorium of over 300 seats has been reserved as
well as a terminal room for those wishing to use email. Accomodation will
be downtown which is about 20 mn by bus from the College Propedeutique.
Lausanne is easily accessible by train from major european cities and from
Geneva (40 mn) and Zuerich (2 hours 45 mn) airports.

Poster contributions:  Participants are encouraged to submit contributions
in the form of posters. These will be posted in the Hall of the College
Propedeutique where there is plenty of space and will stay there throughout
the meeting.

Registration fees:  The registration fee will be approximately Sfr 200.-
and includes lunches at the University refectory, coffee breaks, book of
Abstracts and conference dinner.

Deadlines:  The enclosed pre-registration form should be mailed to:

Femtochemistry: The Lausanne Conference
Institut de Physique Experimentale
Faculte des sciences, BSP
Universite de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne

Fax: [41]-21-6923605    email: Femto@IPE.UNIL.CH

before 30th February 1995. Please copy the form for your colleagues if
required. The second circular will be mailed to those who have
preregistered. The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts
will be 30th May 1995.

The final circular, providing the detailed programme, travel information,
etc... will be mailed in July 1995.

**Pre-registration form - Please provide the following information**

Name and first name:

Professional title:





* Please send me further information (     )
* I plan to attend the Conference  (     )
* I plan to offer a contribution  (     )
* I will be accompanied by ..........  persons.

Date and Signature

Please return to:
Femtochemistry:The Lausanne Conference
Inst. de Physique Experimentale,
Faculte des Sciences, BSP
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
Fax.: +41-21-692 3605,     email: Femto@IPE.UNIL.CH

Updated information can be obtained from the World Wide Web Server at