
WSN: J Chem Phys (15 May 95)

(from URL: gopher://jcp.uchicago.edu/11/JCP%20Express%20contents)

%N  A4.07.058
%T  The kinetics of crystal growth and dissolution from the melt in 
    Lennard-Jones systems
%A  Luis A. Baez and Paulette Clancy
%N  003519JCP

%N  A4.07.111
%T  Viscoelastic response of bidisperse melts in the lateral motion model
%A  Ping Tong and Michael F. Herman
%N  005519JCP

%N  A4.08.184
%T  Solvation of lithium chloride in water-hydroxylamine mixtures:  
    A theoretical investigation by means of Monte Carlo simulations
%A  Yuttana Suwannachot, Supot Hannongbua, and Bernd M. Rode
%N  010519JCP

%N  A4.09.166
%T  A configuration bias Monte Carlo method for water
%A  J.C. Shelley and G.N. Patey
%N  019519JCP

%N  A4.08.176
%T  A new spectroscopic molecular mechanics force field.  
    Parameters for proteins
%A  Philippe Derreumaux and Gerard Vergoten
%N  021519JCP

%N  A4.10.126
%T  Spin-resolved analysis of electronegativity equalization and 
    electron flow in molecules
%A  Jerzy Cioslowski and Martin Martinov
%N  026519JCP

%N  A4.11.216
%T  Microscopic structure of low temperature liquid ammonia:  
    A neutron diffraction experiment
%A  M.A. Ricci, M. Nardone, F.P. Ricci, C. Andreani, and A.K. Soper
%N  028519JCP

%N  A5.01.159
%T  Calculations of the tunnelling splittings in water dimer and trimer 
    using diffusion Monte Carlo
%A  Jonathon K. Gregory and David C. Clary
%N  029519JCP

%N  A4.11.175
%T  Molecular dynamics study of water clusters containing ion pairs:  
    From contact to dissociation
%A  Daniel Laria and Roberto Fernandez-Prini
%N  032519JCP

%N  A4.12.035
%T  General method for removing resonance singularities in quantum mechanical
    perturbation theory
%A  Kathleen M. Kuhler and Donald G. Truhlar
%N  045519JCP

%N  A4.05.204
%T  A new definition of atomic charges based on a variational principle for 
    the electrostatic potential energy
%A  Tai-Sung Lee, Darrin M. York, and Weitao Yang
%N  047519JCP

%N  A5.01.156
%T  Symplectic reversible integrators.  Predictor-corrector methods
%A  Glenn J. Martyna and Mark E. Tuckerman
%N  051519JCP

%N  T4.12.002
%T  Comment on:  The protonated water dimer: Extensive theoretical studies 
    of H{_5}O{_2}{^+} [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 4878 (1994)]
%A  Andrew T. Pudzianowski
%N  055519JCP

%N  C5.02.003
%T  Deuterium isotope effect on the solvent relaxation dynamics
%A  Haridas Pal, Yutaka Nagasawa, Keisuke Tominaga, and Keitaro Yoshihara
%N  057519JCP

%N  A4.12.200
%T  Free energy and cluster structure in the coexistence region of the 
    restricted primitive model
%A  J.-M. Caillol and J.-J. Weis
%N  503519JCP

%N  A4.11.011
%T  Finite-size effects on drying and wetting transitions in a molecular-
    dynamics simulation
%A  C. Bruin, M.J.P. Nijmeijer, and R.M. Crevecoeur
%N  504519JCP

%N  A4.11.184
%T  Thermodynamic properties of mixtures of dipolar and quadrupolar hard 
    spheres: Theory and simulation
%A  Shaoyi Jiang and Kenneth S. Pitzer
%N  508519JCP

%N  A4.12.013
%T  Boundary tension:  From wetting transition to prewetting critical point
%A  S. Perkovic, E.M. Blokhuis, E. Tessler, and B. Widom
%N  510519JCP

%N  A4.09.199
%T  Instability in the dynamics of long DNA undergoing gel-electrophoresis 
    in a strong field
%A  A.N. Semenov and A.V. Subbotin
%N  512519JCP
