
Re: WSN: residence time in the hydration shell (fwd)

Sender: raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu (C.S.RAMAN)
Subject: Re: WSN: residence time in the hydration shell

Re - Grazia's query about residence times of water, there is a nice
review on the theoretical aspects of this subject by George Phillips and
Monty Pettitt entitled "Structure and Dynamics of the water around
Myoglobin".  See Protein Science, 4:149-158 (1995).  This article
compares the theoretical findings with those obtained experimentally.

   _/                                                                      _/
   _/                           C.S.RAMAN                                  _/
   _/                   Department of Biochemistry                         _/
   _/            University of Texas Health Science Center                 _/
   _/                     7703 Floyd Curl Drive                            _/
   _/                  San Antonio, TX 78284-7760                          _/
   _/                              USA                                     _/
   _/                                                                      _/
   _/                    Tel:     (210) 567-6623                           _/
   _/                    Fax:     (210) 567-6595                           _/
   _/                 E-mail:  raman@bioc01.uthscsa.edu                    _/
   _/                                                                      _/
   _/                                                                      _/
   _/      How can it be that mathematics, a product of human thought      _/ 
   _/      independent of experience, is so admirably adapted to the       _/ 
   _/      objects of reality?   "-Albert Einstein"                        _/