
Seeking info on BOD analyses (fwd)

Sender: WRHAGUE@aol.com
Subject: WSN: Seeking info on BOD analyses

  I have been given the task of searching for information regarding the 5 day
biological oxygen demand (BOD) analysis performed by our wastewater laboratory.
  For several years our results have been at odds with those from other
laboratories in the area even though the quality control data from each lab,
including our own, seems to be in order.  
  We follow the methodology given by Standard Methods for the Analysis of
Water and Wastewater, 18th Ed.  We would like to find any off- or on-line
publications addressing  the many variables of this test which might be
causing the discrepancy in results between the labs.
  Our on-line resources are limited to gopher, FTP,  mailing lists and
  Thanking you for any response you may give,

Wallace Hague
Fresno, CA

E-mail to: WRHague@aol.com