
Re: WSN: Radial Distribution of water (fwd)

Sender: Tony Haymet <haymet@chem.usyd.edu.au>
Subject: Re: WSN:  Radial Distribution of water

1986 neutron scattering from Soper:

        ,author    =" A. K. Soper"
        ,title1    =" On the determination of the pair correlation
                 function from liquid structure factor measurements"
        ,journal   ="Chem. Phys."
        ,year      =" 1986"
        ,volume    =" 107"
        ,pages     =" 61-74"}

        ,author    =" A. K. Soper and M. G. Phillips"
        ,title1    ="A new determination of the structure of water at 25C"
        ,journal   ="Chem. Phys."
        ,year      =" 1986"
        ,volume    =" 107"
        ,pages     =" 47-60"}

E-mailed tables to Brad Isbister only.

Tony Haymet