
Re: WSN: Hydrogen bond - strength (fwd)

Sender: grazia@risc2.iaif.pa.cnr.it
Subject: Re: WSN: Hydrogen bond - strength

I think that you might find helpful the old papers of F.H.Stillinger, 
A.Rahman and A.Geiger concerning molecular dynamics simulation of liquid 
water,percolation processes for hydrogen bond network in water or papers 
concerning ab initio calculations of water dimer potential surface.
Some of the references that might be interesting for you are listed below, 
and, usually, you might find papers concerning hydrogen-bond features  
on Jour.Chem.Phys or Jour.Phys. Chem..

A.Rahman, F.Stillinger Molecular Dynamics Study of Liquid Water
Jour.Chem.Phis. 55, 1971.

F.H.Stillinger, A.Rahman Improved simulation of liquid water by
molecular dynamics
Jour.Chem.Phis. 60, 1974.

A.Geiger, F.Stillinger e A.Rahman Aspects of the percolation process for 
hydrogen-bond networks in water
Journ.Chem.Phis. 70,1979.

O.Mtsuoka, E.Clementi e M.Yoshimine CL study of the water dimer potential 
Journ.Chem.Phis. 64, 1976.

W.L.Jorgensen et al. Comparison of simple potential functions for simulation 
liquid water
Journ.Chem.Phis. 79, 1983.

F.Sciortino, S.L. Fornili Hydrogen bond cooperativity in simulated water
Time dipendent analysis of pair interactions.
Journ. Chem.Phys. 90, 1989

G.Corongiu, E.Clementi Solvated water molecules and hydrogen-bridged 
networks in liquid water
Journ.Chem.Phis. 98, 1993.

>Dear everybody,
>I'm searching for information about the strength of a hydrogen-bond,
>especially the energy of such a bond. With respect to this subject I have
>two questions.
>I     What is the influence of a high electric field on the hydrogen-bond?
>II    What is the influence of a slight deformation of the hydrogen-bond?
>Henk Huinink - email: huinink@fenk.wau.nl